25. Tomorrow.

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It's before class and Harry filled me in on what I missed last night. Barty's son, who was locked away for being loyal to the dark lord, was the man from Harry's dreams. He's the one coming for Harry and I according to the dreams. The Tri-Wizard tournament will not be cancelled. Igor was previously locked up for being a death eater himself. Severus Snape was a deatheater and prior to Lord Voldemort's downfall turned spy for the ministry.

Dumbledore told Harry to not to linger over his dreams but I think he should. I think they're more than dreams. If Voldemort and Harry are somehow links at minds as I am with Peter and Voldemort- No. Voldemort was weak when he controlled me, surely he can't be in both of our minds.

Not with his state of power. Harry and I are walking along the corridor when we both tensed hearing some sort of argument. In the herbs store. "It's a sign Severus, you know what it means as well as I." I didn't think of the face when hearing the voice but then the door opens and I see it's Igor. He's showing Snape a mark. The mark of Voldemort. Igor sees us and rushes out. I rushed Harry as we both see Snape glare and we began walking faster.

Potter! Riddle! What's your hurry?" Snape asked as he pulled us both inside the room. "Congratulations, your performance in the black lake was inspiring. Both of you. Gilliweed, am I correct?" He asked directly.

"Yes sir." Harry answered. Snape nodded and turned to find something. "Ingenious. A rather rare herb gilliweed, not something found in your every day garden. Nor is this, know what it is?" He asked us showing us a bottle.

Harry shook his head no. "Bubble juice sir?" I said sarcastically not liking the rough stare he's giving us. "Veritaserum. Three drops of this and you-know-who himself will spill his darkest secrets. The use of this on a student is regrettably forbidden, however should you ever steal from my personal stores again, my hand might just slip over your morning pumpkin juice." He threatened.

"We haven't stolen anything." Harry reacted before I did. "Don't lie to me. Gilliweed might be innocuous, but boomslang skin? lacewing flies? You and your friends are brewing polyjuice potion and believe me I'm going to find out why." Snap shoved us out. Wait didn't Myrtle say something about polyjuice potion?

I turned to speak but Snape closes the door in our faces.


The final challenge is in the morning. I can't sleep. My brain refuses to shut down and let me rest. I found myself slipping on my shoes and walking out of the dorm room and standing outside the school.

The cold air felt nice on my warm skin. I stood there for what felt like minuets but when I checked the time it had actually been hours. It's nearly four in the morning. I turned to go back to the dorm and shower but began walking to the Slytherin dorms.

I know how dangerous the last challenge must be. I could die. I know that. I stopped right in front of the dorm door. If I die tomorrow there's only one thing I want to do tonight.

See Draco.


I crept into his room and watched him sleep for a moment. I covered his mouth and his eyes shot wide open. "Come with me." I said removing my hand when I knew he wasn't going to scream. I walked out of the room and waited a few moments. Then he came out.

"Aria? What are you doing-" I cut him off. "If I die tomorrow I could only think of seeing you tonight." I said stepping closer to him. He met me half way and we stopped right in front of each other.

"I know I feel something for you. I know that. I don't know why it's hard for me to open up to you, but it is. Maybe it's because of who I am, or who my father is, but I'm sorry. If I die tomorrow I don't want you to not know that." I rushed out.

"I understand that Aria. I do. It just frustrates me." He said stepping slightly closer. "Tomorrow, you will not die." He added. I smiled at him. "Draco. I don't know what it means yet, but I know I like you." I said the words that scared me the most.

Admitting I like him leaves room for him to hurt me. For him to leave me. I need to trust he won't. He held my cheeks gently and brought his lips to my forehead. A gentle yet amazingly beautiful gesture. It felt passionate, romantic, loving.

"Thank you for saying it." He whispered.

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