23. Confused.

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We were at the lake side. I had on my two piece suit. I saw everyone standing around talking. I noticed quickly that the Weasly twins are shouting, busy taking bets. Harry and I are walking along with Neville, he has some green plantlife in his hand. The plant that's suppose to help us do this. "You're sure about this Neville?" Harry asked slightly scared which was understandable. "Absolutely." Neville nodded. "For an hour?" I asked.

"Most likely." Neville admitted. "Most likely?"
Harry asked. "Well there is some debate among herbologists as to the effects of freshwater versus saltwater." Neville said. Wow he really loves this stuff. "You're telling me this now? You must be joking." Harry said shaking his head.

"I just wanted to help." Neville said. I looked over to see the Slytherin boys. All but Draco. Where is he? I should thank him for taking me to the infirmary, but he's not here. "Well that makes you better than Ron and Hermione." Harry said looking around tensely. "Where are they anyway?" I asked not seeing them either. "You seem a little tense Harry." Neville pointed out the obvious. We reached where we needed to dive off at. "Do I?" Harry snapped back. "Neville we appreciate it. Really thank you. We're just scared." I said smiling at Neville. He nodded.

Dumbledore began speaking over a loudspeaker. "Welcome to the second task. Last night something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These Five treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the black lake. In order to win each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough. Except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that they'll be on their own."

Mad-Eye turned to Harry and I. "Put that in your mouth." He ordered. Harry puts the gilliweed in his mouth and starts choking. I then did the same and tried to hold in my chokes. This taste like bloody shit. Dumbledore continued. "You may begin at the start of the cannon." He announced.

The cannon fires and I jumped in. I was under the water and looked at my hands to see my hands and feet become webbed. I looked to Harry who was the same. He suddenly flew above water and he came back down. I nodded and he nodded back. He was okay.

I swam off.


After a while I heard singing start to echo towards me. I follow the sound that soon stopped. I saw some dark figure swim through some high seaweed. I followed it. I didn't see it again but I did see Ron, Hermione, Cho Chan, a blonde girl from Beauxbatons, and finally my eyes landed on Draco Malfoy all tied in place by their ankles.

No one was taken. I must be the first person here. I swam towards Draco first and untied him first. I hooked my arm with his and then swam towards Hermione. Suddenly a merperson appeared and blocked me. I can only take one. I nodded understanding.

I began swimming up. I then saw Cedric appear. He quickly took Cho. He nodded and swam up before me. I swam up and looked down to see Harry appearing. Good. I swam up and the moment my head went above water the  effects began to ware off. I inhaled and at the same time Draco gasped in air now awake.

"What the bloody hell!?" He shouted out gasping. "You read my mind." I said as we floated. He looked down at our intertwined arms. "Don't let go." He said seeing me about to let go. "What?" I asked. "I-I can't swim." He admitted. I nodded. "Keep your arm hooked with mine. Kick your feet and copy my arm movement. I'll get us over there." I said and we began swimming.

Suddenly the crowed began cheering "Krum, Krum, Krum" I glanced back to see Viktor had come up with Hermione. Harry should have come up first? I looked back in front of me to see Cedric and Cho on the land. Finally Draco and I made it to the land and Neville helped us up. "Is Harry okay?" He asked. "He was. I'm not sure now. He should have come up before Viktor. He was right behind me." I admitted.

Neville and Mad-Eye looked at the water again. Draco was shivering. Someone brought me two towels. I quickly handed one to Draco. He nodded a thanks. I looked over to see the Beauxbatons girls look worried. They're champion didn't bring anyone up. Oh no. Harry is being a hero isn't he? Sounds like him. He's gonna fight those merpeople. They wouldn't let me take two people so I'm sure they won't let him take them both either.

"How did they-" I started to ask Draco but he shook his head. "I don't even know." He admitted. I smiled. "Thanks for saving me." He mumbled. I nodded. "Thanks for taking me to the infirmary." I said back. He nodded this time. Suddenly Ron and the girl Fleur should have saved come up, they are coughing but safe. Where Harry?

I stood up and looked desperately at the water as they are being helped out of the water by a girl from Beauxbatons. Suddenly I yelped as Harry flies out and lands on the decking where I was. "Harry!" Dumbledore shouted. "Get him another towel." I said dropping to my knees to help Harry.

Fleur rushed over. "You saved her, even though she wasn't yours to save. My little sister!" Fleur kisses Harry on the face. "Thank you! And you-" she looked at Ron who was close by. "You helped!" She said smiling. Ron was blushing and simply looked shocked. "Well-yeah, a bit." He clearly lied. Fleur kisses him too. "My god."
Ron blushed as Fleur hugged her sister and they went off.

Hermione comes up to Harry with a towel. "Harry!" She shouts. "Hermione." Harry replied happy to see her. "Are you alright? You must be freezing! Personally I think you behaved admirably." Hermione kisses Harry on the head. Harry shook his head. "I finished last Hermione." He mumbled.

I turned to see Draco was walking off. I rushed after him. "Wait Draco. Are you alright?" I asked. He nodded. "I'm just confused. I'll see you around." He tired to leave again. "Wait. Why are you confused?" I asked. He sighed and turned to me. "You don't want me to kiss you but you can't look when I kiss another girl. This challenge was about saving someone you care about. You obviously feel something for me, but I don't understand why you don't see it." He stopped and I was speechless.

He was right. Everything he said was right I opened my mouth to speak but didn't have time. "Attention! Attention!" I turned to hear
Dumbledore's announcement. "The winner is Mr Diggory!" He finished. I saw and heard Cedric and his friends cheer. I smiled. "The way I see it, Mr Potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr Weasly but the others as well. We've agreed to award him second place! For outstanding moral fibre." Dumbledore announced. A roar of cheering echoed.

I smiled and turned back to Draco to finish our talk but he was gone.

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