Chapter 9

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Continuing off of last chapter. Enjoy.

Yesterday Dipper surprised Pacifica with a visit to her house, well with his Mom's help of course.

Pacifica is seen walking down stairs to see Dipper's mom, Alice, cooking breakfast.

"What the heck?" Pacifica asked.

"Oh good morning Pacifica," said Alice, "Do you like French toast?"

"That sounds lovely, but why? You and Dipper are my guest, I ahould be making you breakfast," said Pacifica.

"What were you going to make?" Alice asked.

"Uh..........Ramen," said Pacifica.

"Exactly what I thought," said Alice, "Besides I like cooking."

"Doesn't your husband ever cook?" Pacifica asked.

"Well one time he did but he almost set the house on fire," said Alice, "And all he was doing is making spaghetti, should have told him he didn't need to make everything from scratch. As sweet as that was, he is a terrible cook."

Alice then places 2 pieces of French Toast onto a plate and hands it to Pacifica.

"Thank you," said Pacifica.

"No problem," said Alice.

"I got a question to ask," said Pacifica.

"What is it?" Alice asked.

"What was Dipper like as a little kid?" Pacifica asked.

"Oh that's easy, Mason was, well, he was a shy little one," said Alice.

"Okay 2 questions, 1, how shy was he? And 2, why do you always refer to him by his real name?" Pacifica asked.

"I call him by both names," said Alice, "anyway, Mason wasn't always adventurous, there was a time he was practically scared of everything."

"I find that hard to believe knowing Dipper," said Pacifica.

"He was afraid of Hot Dogs because he thought they were made of Dogs," said Alice.

"Doesn't every kid think that once in there life?" Pacifica asked.

"Well he also didn't want to be anywhere away from me," said Alice, "whenever I left for a second he whined his little heart out."

"I take it he was a mommy's boy?" Pacifica asked.

"Well that was until kindergarten," said Alice,"but there was one thing he loved more than me."

"What was that?" Pacifica asked.

Alice hands Pacifica a picture, it was of a Baby Dipper, no more than 18 months, hugging a giant Mickey Mouse plush toy.

"Mickey Mouse?" Pacifica asked.

"He loves everything Disney," said Alice, "you can blame my sister Emily for that."

"What's wrong with loving Disney?" Pacifica asked.

"Why I thought your parents wouldn't let you watch anything?" Alice asked.

"They were evil but not Maleficent evil," said Pacifica.

"*Giggle* That was cute, anyway my family is full of Disney Lovers and obviously it spread to my kids," said Alice, "Mason had Mickey Mouse and Buzz Lightyear while Mabel, well she had all the Princess."

"That does explain Mabel," said Pacifica.

"Yeah, it pretty much does," said Alice, "Then again my mother named me Alice after Wonderland."

"At least you have a normal name," said Pacifica, "My name literally sounds like Pacific Northwest with an A mixed in."

"That is really lazy," said Alice.

Dipper then comes downstairs.

"What were you guys talking about?" Dipper asked.

"Oh, nothing," said Pacifica.

End of the chapter. Sorry for the sloppy chapter, but I'm at a lost for words. See you guys next time.

A Long Distance Love (A Dipcifica Story) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now