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Birthday present for 80smovies_trash


Hannah's POV

"Guys shut up!" I heard Mattie yell from the tree house as I climbed the ladder. I proceeded to the secret knock a smile on my face, Because today was no regular day, it was the day I crossed the line between child and teenager. The line between pinched cheeks and new phones. Today I turned thirteen.
Teddy, my boyfriend and one of my closest friends brother, opened the hatch and pulled me up into a big hug
"Your FINALLY as old as me han" he laughed
"Shut up teddy" I giggled
"Okay okay" lily smiled pulling us away "enough of your PDA"
"What your jelous Chambers?" Mattie said, Chris wrapping his arms around her, she grabbed his hand in response.
"Happy birthday" Gordie said
"Thanks Gordie" I said, still giggling.


Third person POV

Teddy ran home instantly after Hannah left Mattie and Chris following.
"Slow down teddy, she's coming back for dinner at six and it's two-thirty good Lord" Mattie laughed looking at Chris
"I don't care! I have only a little amount of time to do in a huge project!" He only turned back for a split second.
"He's obsessed" Chris laughed


Hannah's POV

"No peeking" lily said excitedly. I knew that teddy had decorated the tree house because he's REALLY bad at fibbing, but I decided to still act excited because hey, he's my boyfriend, don't need to hurt him.
"NO PEEKING!" yelled lily as I struggled to get my eyes open.
She guided me up the ladder and opened the door.
"Okay. Open!" She removed her hand from my eyes and there stood teddy in a (obvious, yet still cute) hand me down tux, a rose in his hand and rose petals in the shape of a heart on the ground where I was standing. Polaroid pictures of all our favorite moments together. I looked up at teddy, tears in my eyes and the rose was replaced with a piece if paper with the words I Love You Hannah written on it.
I was honestly speechless. No words were coming out. Just tears from my eyes
"I love you Hannah"

Aaaaaawwwweeee Hannah this is cute. I hope you enjoyed this because I'm to broke to buy you something at the moment. Happy 13th and have a happy life


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