Hidden In The Shadows

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Isabella couldn't believe that a woman who helped out with the school helped 5 revel heroes escape the evil hand of fate. She thought Mrs. Lore always did her job, but she helped 5 old students who could have been in trouble them selves, but she never new much about everyone.

"Now i guess its my turn." Said Crystal. "One day i was telling Mrs. Lore about the fact that my friends and i get along so well back when we all were in school, and she said that she could picture us all in an apartment complex together, and i agreed with her. I guess she understood us, because she along with some other teachers at this school decided to help us out. They showed us the trap door, told us to hide hear, and we worked together to put that big heavy rock there. I'm surprised that the trapped door could hold a rock, and slide at the same time. I hope it doesn't break anything."

"So you guys just hide hear all the time?" Asked Isabella.

"Sorry kiddo. Thats how its going to be until we get these things off."

"But what about not needing those powers to fight crime?"

"They'll out number us." Said Devan. "Its no use."

This was searious. Devan wasn't acting like his silly self, and the others were just to searious. Even her older self acted a bit to grown. Could the future be this bad, and how can she stop it if she didn't have anyone to back her up?

"Your not giving up, and neither am i." She said proudly. "I once jumped off the bleachers, and lets just say it wasn't fun the second time when the floor made my feet slide, but that didn't make me stop wanting to try again."

The whole room stopped going quiet when laughter erupted from both Tavean and crystal.

"I remember that." Said Tavean.

"Yeah." Said Crystal. "I took a video of her jumping off the second time when i thought it was cool of her to make that landing. She took one good slide down on the second try.

"Remember when i tried sneaking up on you guys by hiding under the bleachers?"

"Yeah. You kept bumping your head on the way out."

Everyone started laughing, and even smiling at the fact that they all had grate times, and were ready to make more when all this was over. They continued to laugh about the times they snuck up on each other, and the times where they had quick tickle fights, and even the times they made some really weird comontary, until they herd foot steps coming down the latter.

Everything was quiet until a few men came down, and pointed there guns.

"There they are." Said one of the men.

"Quick." Said the older Isabella. "Just think about where you want to be. You'll be fine."

Isabella was to afraid to think, but a portal came out of no where, and she jumped through. On the other side there was a lab. She opened the door, and saw that it looked less tech then she had hoped. Just as she opened the door after the first one she saw a silver haired man sitting at the table with an old fation computer. She shut the door quietly, and walked back out, and looked around. This was defenently not the future, or the present.

fatal future. The true sequel to Emotions of friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now