A Blast From The Past

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  Isabella thought something was furmilior about that man, but she just couldn't figure it out until she remembered the fight with the man, and found herself in that portal to the future.

  "Why am i hear in this time?" She asked herself. "Wait what time is this anyway, and what does this man do hear? Is this inportent, or is this just random. Is this the past? If so then what made this guy evil, or was he evil in the first place?"

  So many questions rang threw Isabella's head, but she realized she needed to hide, and get some answers. There was a trash can near the door. She could hide their, and hopefully see through the window in the door.

  She hid in the corner, and hunched down just enough not to be seen, but enough to give her an aching muscle if she stayed there to long. Through a crack in the door she saw the man type something. She could hardly make out what the text said on the screen, but she did see future, and creative. What could he want with creativity?

  She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, but she didn't know why. She just had to get back home before the man could realize he was being spied on.

  She walked all the way out of the building, and hid behind the dumpster. She turned into her fairy self, and thought of the present. As soon as she thought of being home, a portal showing the same spot she was in appeared, but she herd the voice of the man yelling "Who's there! Show your self!"

  Isabella didn''t waist time in jumping through the portal, and getting rid of it quickly. She panted from both fear, and exostion. That was the closest she has ever been to being cot. She didn't have time to sit down, and get some rest, for what met her gaze was a destroyed land full of injured people, and broken houses. This looked like the apocolips, but it couldn't be the end just yet. This looked like her time peariod, and the skies were surprisingly bright and sunny.

  "What is going on?" She asked out loud to herself, but got startled when she herd a grunt from an old man who was dragging himself closer to her.

  "It was the monsters." Said the old man in a deep yet pained voice. "It was the monsters that did this. They've even got your friends."

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