The Proficy

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  Long ago there was a man who could predict things that could only be described as unsettling fiction, but they turned out not to be fiction. There were stories he had made up in his mind only to become true. Stories such as, a witch will accuse normal everyday people of witch craft, or how a man would save a long lost princess.

  The stories always came true, but with endings no one would expect. The witch was stopped by a good witch, and the man scammed others with his daughter who went along with the scam knowing it would pay her just as good as it would pay her father.

  One day the man was put in a battle of wits with a silver haired man who would accuse him of dark craft, but was soon defeated when he revealed that he wanted to accuse the man so he could gain his powers. The bad man was to go to the gallos the following week, but disappeared.

  "Fear not what we bear witness to my people." Said the man of good prediction. "The man you all fear will be stopped by a big bubble of fun some day, along side a Bow of girly behavior, a calming breeze, funny fire, and happiness. These five elements are what stand in the path of the evil feened, and rid the world of his dark magic to aradacate creativity. The world may plunge into cayos by this man's hands, but not long enough to destroy all good. The world will be saved, and all will be right yet again."

  Everyone in town feared what the bad man would do, but were worried about just how bad the good man's predictions would be. Fear of death came through there minds, and decided to keep there little town unknown to complicate the word of evil from tarnishing there good name.

  "So now what?" Asked Isabella who was still in her hero costume. "Do i find my friends as fast as i can, and what ever happened to the town, and the man?"

  "Yes," Said the old man who Isabella stopped from moving to keep him from hurting. "Also that man who did good is still around, and much older then you would expect. He can't die, but he can age, and now he is living as a resident at a retirement home. He would have stayed in town, but everyone around him died of a mysterious illness, so he left before it could hit him."

  Isabella was baffled by the old man's claims, but new that out of all the weirdest things to happen that was the least she had to think was weird. After all she could fly through the air, and trap things in a bubble just by using her hands. That made her wonder if she and her friends were going to die, or live forever. If they did live forever would they age, or if they die will it be through a deadly mition, or a magicle or natural cos? This worried Isabella, but not as much as her friends being missing. She needed to find them, but some one has already found her.

  "I new i saw purple magic behind my dumpster." Said a voice that made her turn around faster then a cat who just got spooked.

  "You." She said.

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