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I will accept titles and Challengers from this point on (April 28) until June 15. I probably will not extend the deadline past this point, so be sure to enter soon!

On June 16 (possibly 17, depending on how dead I am after my trip), I will give Challengers their titles. They will be free to begin writing immediately, and they will have until July 16 (or 17, again depending on when Challengers receive their titles). They must submit their description to me by June 23. Once I have it, voting on their story will commence. They may collect votes on their description during this time.

On July 17 (or 18 - I think you know the drill by now), judging will begin. The winners will be announced as soon as judging is complete, and all prizes will be awarded in a timely fashion.

This is most likely the final schedule for this competition.

The Titling Challenge 2014Where stories live. Discover now