Important Note: Schedule Change

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Hey guys! So at this point, I have like one person actually entered (Kimomi, you are awesome.). As you can probably tell, I need more people to enter to make this actually happen. So here's what's gonna happen. I'm going to extend entries until June 15. I will be out of town from around the 30th until then, so I wouldn't be able to do much with the competition anyways. I will still give you guys full writing and voting periods, but the judging will take longer if it goes into when school starts.

I know this competition won't appeal to everyone. But if you are reading this, please spread the word about the competition, even if you yourself don't want to enter!

To the person who entered already: if no one else enters (which would be depressing for me), you will still have to write the story, but you will automatically win. I wouldn't need to have a voting period for if you are the only Challenger.

So if you know anyone who might be interested, please be sure to let them know! Thanks so much, guys! :)

The Titling Challenge 2014Where stories live. Discover now