Chapter eight

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Walid's P.O.V

I was on my way to the hospital to collect my test results. I was in a very good mood because I made plans with Khadeejah....My lovely Khadeejah I thought with a smile.

But I really don't understand her friend Zainab she always calls me and wants to talk with me for reasons unknown to me.

I wanted to cut her off but I couldn't bring myself to do it, there was something about her that I couldn't place, its like a mixture of innocence and purity.

I got to the hospital and I was told to wait a few minutes to get the papers ready, i took a seat and continued day dreaming about Khadija.

"Here are your test results" said a nurse as she handed me a brown envelope.
Thank you I said to her. I was expecting her to leave but she stood and was looking at me with sad eyes.

Any problem I asked her confused.

When you finish checking your results the Doctor would like to see you, she finally said as she walked away back to her station.

I shrugged as I opened the results

I couldn't believe what I was seeing CANCER! HOW? WHY I said as my whole body began to shake, i didn't even notice when the nurse came and lead me to the doctors office.

I'm sorry Mr Walid but there's nothing we can do for you, you have approximately two weeks to live the cancer has spread into your blood stream and it keeps multiplying, we're deeply sorry said the doctor apologetically

All what the doctor said sounded so foreign to me, i couldn't believe this was happening to me YA ALLAH!

I can't let my parents know about this they'll die of grief especially MAMA she has a heart problem I thought.

And Khadeejah I can't break her, I'd rather hate myself than break her  I thought

Yes I know what I must do I said out loud as I brought out my phone and began to dial a number.....

Walid! She said as she answered the phone on the second ring, are you on your way? She asked with so much eagerness

YA ALLAH! This is going to be hard I thought.

Khadeejah I don't want to see you anymore I said to her as a tear ran down on my cheek

I don't want to have anything to do with you again, please leave me alone, I found another girl that I want to be with I said...

Walid! She said in a whisper as her voice broke and she began to cry and At that moment I knew I had hit a soft spot.

I felt like running to her and holding her in my arms to comfort and dry her tears and I couldn't, I just couldn't.

I switched off the phone before I could do something I'll regret later.

I drove recklessly all the way home and I was surprised I didn't get into an accident, i entered my room and performed two raka'ah and I prayed to Allah with all my heart.

If this is a test then YA ALLAH help me pass it I prayed..

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