Duelist Chronicles: Pharaoh's Revival

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(This is merely a crack-up epilogue to my Duel Links story that I just finished today)

Lillyan: *collapses* You have to... beat... Pegasus...

Pegasus: *evil laugh* Wait, what?

Atem: Lillyan! Wake up, wake up! I'll tell your brother you're my girlfriend if you don't get up this instant, young lady!

Lillyan: *twitch*

Atem: Hm?... *slight growl of frustration* I know you're faking it! GET UP!

Lillyan: *opens one eye* Yugi wasn't. *winks and plays dead*

Atem: *sigh* (I hate it when she does this...)

(And thus, the Duel ended exactly the same as in the anime, except it's the Pharaoh's faith that defeats the Millennium Eye, not our bond of friendship because nobody trusts you to stay in the friendzone)

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