Chapter 2 (new)

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At dinner, Georgie sat next to Sheldon and across from his younger sister Missy, as per usual. For once Georgie was silent at the table after Grace. He didn't even pick a fight with the twins.

"Georgie, you're quiet, how was your day?" His mother asked.

"Um it was good, I guess," he said.

"Well son, I still wanna know why you were late to football practice. You never told me." Apparently running laps while the rest of the team was scrimmaging was not enough to make Mr. Cooper forget his son's tardiness.

Mrs. Cooper raised her eyebrows in shock. "Georgie, you were late to practice?" She asked.

"Um, I was talking to a girl from my History class that's all," Georgie answered.

Sheldon perked up. "Oh Georgie, was it the girl that sits with me, Miranda Wolfe?"

Georgie elbows his little brother, prompting him to shut up. "Yeah that was her," He replied while making strict eye contact with his dinner plate.

"Oh I know that girl. I've seen her at church. The Brown family are fostering her, she's an angel, so sweet and pretty." His mother said, thinking of the brunette girl.

Georgie refused to look up, and shoveled a heap of mashed potatoes in his mouth to avoid talking.

"Georgie's got a crush, Georgie's got a crush, Georgie-!" Missy sang until he kicked her under the table. "OW!"

Accustomed to childish behavior from both parties, the Cooper parents then continue a conversation about who knew what about the Browns and Miranda Wolfe while the oldest Cooper son was thinking about about a way to impress her. Missy was excited for the new episode of Duck Tales on that night, and Sheldon was pondering Quadratic Equations.


When Miranda Wolfe reached the Brown Residence, she walked into the house to see her foster mother Lisa Brown cooking dinner, her foster father Henry Brown grading papers from the students of the high school, and finally her foster sister Madison Brown doing her makeup and curling her blond hair, most likely going out with her cheerleading friends.

"Oh Miranda your home!" Lisa turned around a weary smiled on her face.

"Yeah sorry I was late, I was in the music room again." Miranda told her.

Madison sent a victorious smirk her way. "That's not all mom, I saw Miranda with the football coach's son Georgie talking while I was on my way to cheer practice. You go little sis!"

Despite Madison's typical blonde cheerleader persona, she had always been extremely sweet and supportive of her foster sister.

Miranda blushed. Did everyone and their dog know about her run in with him?

"Oh little Georgie Cooper! I see him with his family at church all the time, sweetie he's so handsome, but a little trouble maker at times." Lisa says, stirring a pot full of what smells to be chili.

"Well now that we got that out of the way, do you need help with dinner ma'am?" Miranda asks.

Lisa smiles knowingly to herself, turning back to her chili. "Oh, I'm almost finished, go run along and do your homework till I call everyone to the table."


Later that night in Miranda Wolfe's bedroom she laid staring up at the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling, thinking about none other than Georgie Cooper. She really wanted to get to know him better. He seemed really nice. Cute too, she thought.  

Young Sheldon: Georgie's love storyWhere stories live. Discover now