Chapter 6

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Miranda became suspicious of Georgie the second he walked through the doors of the library. She was studying with her friend Michaela, and they both knew the only reason for Georgie Cooper to ever step foot in a library was to make trouble, probably some sort of dare.

She got up from her table and walked over to where he stood looking lost. "Georgie what are you doing here? We both know you wouldn't be here unless you were up to something."

He looked down at her, only because that girl was very short even with heels on (and heels on Miranda were never a good idea). He smiled his most persuasive smile and began to lay on the "charm". "Well, my dear Miranda, I've gotta tiny problem and I need your help."

Miranda rolled her eyes, knowing that he was bound to get in trouble. But she knew that a guy like Georgie would only go for outgoing and girls that that love to take risks. AKA not the girl studying in the library. "Okay, what is it. And how much trouble will I be in if I help you?"

Georgie glanced around the library, and saw the librarian glaring in their direction. The last time he was here, he may or may not of set off a smoke Bonn and caused the entire school to evacuate. Georgie (unthinkingly) grabbed Miranda's hand, and led her to a secluded corner of the library. 

Miranda's cheeks were turning pinker by the second, for two reasons. One, Georgie Cooper, popular football player/cute guy/crush was holding her hand. And secondly, the corner of the library that she knew he was leading her to was affectionately called the "kissing corner" by the members of the student body who frequented the library more often than Georgie. The corner was the furthest from the doors and he librarian's desk, and the bookshelves completely blocked it from the librarian's (and most of the patrons') view.

"Okay I already know that I'm going to fail the English test-" Georgie paused, studying Miranda's face. "Are you feelin' alright? Ya look kinda red."

Miranda nodded, slightly cursing her blood vessels in her face.

Georgie quickly picked up where he left off. "On To Kill a Mocking Bird, and I was wonderin' if you'd help me cheat?" He whispered this, even though there's no one around to hear them. "Georgie, you know I'm against cheating, can't you let me help you study?" Miranda stated innocently up at him, and the second she looked into his eyes, she knew she'd already lost the argument.

"C'mon, where's the fun in that? I don't even care how you do it. Please do this for me. If I don't pass, I won't be able to play football or see you since I'll be grounded." He told her, while giving her his best puppy dog eyes with his sweet baby blues.

Miranda stared blankly at Georgie, but her thoughts were swirling of confusion
HE WANTS ME TO CHEAT! I mean cheating is wrong, and I'm so against it, but he's giving me puppy dog eyes, and it's just so darn cute. I mean Mrs.MacElroy won't notice at all, and I know that he's not doing well in school. Okay maybe this once......... "Ugh fine, but Georgie Cooper, you put away those damn puppy dog eyes" she told him.


Georgie and Miranda's English class was huge. Thirty kids crammed into a small classroom made it al too easy to cheat on a test promised to be as difficult as this one did. The class had figured out early in the year if someone on one side of the room called the teacher over to ask her a question during a test, she would be too absorbed to notice the other half of the room whispering questions and answers to one another. The two sides of the classroom tag teamed so that each side had a chance to exchange information.

When they walked into class on the day of the test, Miranda had a scrap of paper tucked up the sleeve of her sweatshirt. She sat in her assigned seat, on the fat right side of the class next to the window. Georgie sat in his usual spot, diagonal in front of Miranda. The teacher also sat in her usual spot: at her desk with a wire bin for the students to put their completed tests in.

Tension filled the air as students filled in, and then feeling only became more suffocating as the tests got handed out. Once Mrs. MacElroy has taken her seat in her desk, Miranda slipped the scrap paper out of her sleeve. Most of the questions were multiple choice, and Miranda copied her answers down on the scrap paper. She made sure to miss a few. If Georgie got 100% on the multiple choice and failed everything else it was sure to raise some questions. She also scrawled a few notes to help with the essay questions on the back of the paper. And finally, Miranda was finished with her test. She balled up the scrap paper till it was no longer that her fingernail, and tucked it in her fist. She still couldn't believe she had been talked into this.

In order to turn in her test, she had to walk past Georgie's desk. Miranda waited till someone on the left side of the classroom had gotten Mrs. MacElroy engaged with a question about the test, and she began to walk down the aisle between the rows of desks. As she walked past Georgie's desk, she dropped the waddled up cheat sheet on his desk, underneath his bicep where the teacher couldn't even see even if she was looking at them. Miranda continued to the front of the room, room a deep breath to soothe her nerves, and turned in her test.

On her way back to her desk, she avoided eye contact with Georgie. But out of the corner of her eye, she swore she saw him wink at her.

Once Georgie was finished with his test and had turned it in, he leaned back and stretched, arms spread wide. Georgie (and the other jocks) were known for stretching obnoxiously in class, so the teacher didn't even bat an eye. Georgie's arm hovered over Miranda's desk mid stretch, and she took a second to admire his arms. His fist opened, and he dropped the balled up scrap of paper back in her desk. Miranda quickly scooped it up, adrenalin pumping, and underneath the desk, tore it into indecipherable shreds.

With a silent sigh, Miranda smiled to herself. Georgie would pass the test.

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