chapter 5

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Upon accepting Mrs.Cooper's invitation to dinner after church, Miranda Wolfe found herself seated at the Cooper table across from Georgie. This would have been a wonderful arrangement and the entire meal would have gone splendidly if not for Georgie's grandmother.

"So Miss Miranda," Meemaw (as she had insisted she be called), took a sip of water, "How's school?"

Miranda quickly swallowed her mouthful of mashed potatoes. "Good."

Meemaw leaned over to Georgie as he was taking a drink and said in a not-so-discreet voice, "well you certainly don't like her for her extensive vocabulary, do you?"

He choked on his milk and turned red, glaring at his grandmother.

Miranda frowned, and her voice sharpened. "Excuse me ma'am, but it is extremely pretentious of you to assume that simply because I use a common adjective to describe an already full subject whilst clearly in the middle of eating that I am as uneducated as a common heard of cattle."

Meemaw smiled brightly, "Young lady, if I wanted the dictionary, I would have asked for it." Her voice was as cheerful and deadly as veratrum flowers in the springtime.

Georgie stared at Meemaw, slumping in his chair as he did so. It was becoming very clear that his grandmother didn't care for Miranda Wolfe. He could see Sheldon staring at him inquisitively from across the table, and in a huff said, "Will you be quiet?!"

"I didn't even say anything!"

"Well you were thinkin' too loud!"

"Georgie!" Mary Cooper scolded her son.

"Georgie tells me you like music?" Meemaw asked Miranda.

"Yes, mostly singing." She replied politely.

"Well, if you sing anything like those bands Georgie likes, I can see why he likes you."

This, though not obvious, was an underhanded insult. Georgie and Miranda had extremely differing views on what qualified as "music", and anyone who had listened to Georgie's music for very long could easily pick up what she was implying. Insults served softly with a smile in your face were still insults.

Mary Cooper let her fork clatter down on her plate. "Mom!"

"What?" Meemaw shrugged innocently. "I'm just making conversation."

"No it's fine Mrs.Cooper," Miranda replied, a smile painted on her face. "I like Rick Springfield, and the Beatles mostly."

The rest of the dinner went on without incident, but there was a palpable tension between Meemaw and Miranda. The latter spent the majority of the evening with a feeling like wet cement in her stomach. She had gotten the message loud and clear. Georgie's grandmother didn't like her.

Meanwhile, Georgie was-for once in his life- regretting having Miranda near. Cooper family had always been tense, and surviving one could be a daunting task on its own without being an outsider as well. Meemaw certainly wasn't making things any easier either.

After dinner was finished, dished were taken to the kitchen. It was Missy and Sheldon's turn to was dishes, so they set to their chore with all the gusto of a cat that had discovered a patch of catnip. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper had left to drive Miranda Wolfe home to the Brown's, leaving Georgie and Meemaw in the living room in front of the TV.

Reruns of the Nebraska game were on, but Georgie didn't have much interest in those. Nebraska wasn't even in their devision, and his mind was preoccupied.



"Why don't you like Miranda?"

"WHAT?" Meemaw got up and switched off the television. "George Cooper Jr, that girl was the most well collected girl I have ever met."

Georgie blinked. "Then why-"

Meemaw put her hand on her grandson's shoulder. "Sweetie, I was only testing her. I've heard enough about her from your mother to know already that she's a good girl. I was just playin' with her patience that's all." She sighed. "You hold onto that girl and don't let go, ya hear?" In an undertone she added, "God only knows if another one like that will ever walk your way."


Georgie had a problem, and that problem was English. Specifically, 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee. More specifically, the test they were having over the book. On Friday. Tomorrow. Normally, this wouldn't have been an issue. Just guess C on all the multiple choice he didn't know, make up some crap for essay questions, and guesstimate on the full-in-the-blanks. Or just copy off of the kid next to him. With that solid battle strategy, there was never a need to study.

There was just one problem with his plan.

He didn't have anyone to copy off of; the teacher had let them pick their own seats. Georgie was surrounded by his friends, who all played football and were not the sharpest knives in the block. This ruled out his usual cheating scheme. Plus, he couldn't just guess his way through. No amount of blabbering on about his thing and that on the essay questions was going to be good enough. He needed a good grade on this test, or his days of playing football were numbered.

Oh, and there was the grounding to be worried about.

He had a C in English as it was. If his grade dropped any more, he was going to be grounded. From the football team, from television, and from going out with friends.
And that included Miranda Wolfe.

Hello! I'm Evangeline (jackolanterninjuly ), editor and co-writer for this fan fiction. So far I have edited the first few chapters, and the last two were written by me (with the help from @ladydevils_3 of course). It's nice to meet you all, and I hope you are enjoying each update!

Okay hey it's Miranda (@ladydevils_3) and I just wanted to say a thanks to my co-writer jackolanterninjuly for writing the last two chapters and editing the first three ones! You are such a great help. Also thanks to all the readers that read this fan fiction. I started this story not thinking anyone would really read it because I wrote it just when the show 'Young Sheldon' came out. Thank you everyone that reads this and hope you enjoy future updates!

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