Chapter 7

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Everything went back to normal in English class, no one got caught for cheating, and Georgie could play football. That was until Mrs.MacElroy thought it would be a 'splendid' idea for her to make a seating chart, because Georgie and his jock friends kept talking during class. She just had to put Georgie, Miranda's crush, with Veronica Miller.

She was fake: a girl with too much makeup, too little clothing, and wore heels every single day. The exact opposite of Miranda Wolfe. Veronica has had an obvious crush on Georgie since he moved to town early last year, well obvious to everyone but Georgie Cooper. Well, one could hardly call it a crush. It was more like she was a mountain lion and Georgie was an unsuspecting forest animal. He was her pray, and she would do anything to get her paws on him.

When Miranda's name was called, she was sat down next to one of Georgie's friends, Beau. He was more broad than Georgie, had blonde hair, green eyes, and he had a friendly smile.

"Hey I'm Beau. You friends with with Georgie, right?" He asked. "I think we've met before.... at a game or somethin'."

Miranda smiled back and replied, "Yeah we have, I'm Miranda."

Mrs.MacElroy finally called for the class to pay attention for the lesson. Miranda tried to pay attention, she really did, but Veronica was distracting. The Vixen was talking to Georgie two rows away from Miranda, who couldn't help but listen to the conversation. (Even if it meant she had to forfeit listening to the lesson to do so)

"So....Georgie, how's football going this season?" Veronica asks leaning towards him. Her lips were glossy with a fresh coat of that glittery strawberry Maybelline lipgloss she always wore.

Miranda tried not to roll her eyes. Sure, Veronica went to the football games. But only to flirt with the players and she often complained about the wind messing up her hair.

"Um, yeah we've won most of our games," He says casually.

Veronica leans even closer to him, "Well, in that case, we should hang out sometime after one of your victories!" Her voice was smooth as silk, and she flashed him her signature man-eating smile. Miranda frowned. Two can play at that game. While Mrs.MacElroy was at her desk, and everyone was meant to be doing worksheets, the smart girl tapped Beau's shoulder next to her.

"Hey, do you understand number three? I'm stuck." Miranda said innocently, already knowing the answer.

Beau grinned, "Oh yeah it's pretty simple," he says, and leans over to her desk to see what she didn't understand, and began helping her. For a jock, or pretty much anyone, Beau was actually really smart, and was making her laugh. He told her stupid math jokes while explaining the problems.

What Miranda didn't notice was that two rows away, Georgie wasn't paying attention to Veronica droning on about what she was going to do on her family vacation to Europe this summer.

Georgie watched Miranda laugh at something that his friend and teammate Beau said. He realized that he better get his ducks in something that at least resembled a row, and fast.


The bell signaling that English class was over finally rang through the halls, which meant there was one more class left- PE- with none other than Georgie, the assistant football coach/PE teacher, and Georgie's dad. Miranda groaned as she made her way to the locker room.

Once they had finished up running their laps, they were instructed to stand in two lines: one line boys and the other girls. They each had everyone in number order. Miranda was eleven, and Michaela was twelve. When Coach Cooper was calling the numbers to stand together and grab a soccer ball, all Miranda could think was not Georgie, not Georgie until she was called.

"Eleven, Miranda you're with Georgie?" The PE teacher yelled.

"Drats" she muttered as she walked to grab a soccer ball.

"Hustle, Wolfe!" Georgie's dad shouted from his spot on the bleachers (as an assistant PE teacher, he didn't really do much but yell at people to run faster)

They were outside on the grass field, meant to be kicking the soccer ball for the day. They got into a silent rhythm just kicking the soccer ball, until Georgie the oh-so-patient one was fed up with her not talking.

"Miranda why won't you talk to me? Did I do something wrong? Did something bad happen?" He asked her, sick of her moodiness.

Miranda rolled her eyes and kicked the ball to him a bit harder than she meant to. "I don't know, ask Veronica, I mean you both looked pretty cozy in English class today."

Georgie was appalled that she would ever think that he would ever like Veronica. Sure, she was pretty, but she tries so hard with putting on so much makeup. He pretty much preferred his present company. However, it irked him that he was being accused of flirting with someone like Veronica. "Miranda I don't like Veronica. What I should be asking is why aren't you partners with Beau? Huh, you both looked pretty close in English." He retorted kicking the ball with a vengeance back in her direction.

Miranda caught the ball mid-air with her foot and sent it spinning back. Georgie didn't even have time to duck before the ball hit him square in the face.


Georgie sat on the bleachers next to Beau, holding an ice pack to his face while waiting for football practice to start.

"That girls got a kick, d'ya think she'd confided trying out for the football team?" Beau laughed.

"It's not funny." Georgie replied icily.

"C'mon man, don't be like that." Beau says while glancing over to the track where the volleyball girls were running laps. "I heard y'all talking, and I'm not trying to impede or anythin'. Besides....." He looked back at the volleyball girls, picking one specific one out of the group. "I dig her friend, the Michaela chick." He pointed to her.

Georgie squinted at his friend. "Really?"

"Yeah. Now, I'mma get outta here. Coach's coming over, and man, does he look mad. I think I might just join volleyball...." Beau joked as he ran off to flirt with Michaela. "Coach." He tipped his ball cap at Georgie's dad an sprinted past.

Coach Cooper looked at Georgie, "Son, you better make up with Miranda, because I think your Meemaw would choose that girl over you in a heartbeat. Now get off these bleachers and start doing your warmups, or I'm gonna whoop you for her."


After some extra vocal practice in the choir room, Miranda decided she should probably hurry home or risk being late for dinner. When she closed her locker, she found Sheldon Cooper in front of her holding a note. "It's for you," he says giving it to her, and walks away. Miranda quickly unfolded the scrap of yellow notebook paper.

Meet me at eight on the football field-GC

Young Sheldon: Georgie's love storyWhere stories live. Discover now