Chapter 8

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A/N: hello beautiful, strong intelligent people! Co author jackolanterninjuly here. Sorry this is supper short, but I believed this part deserved it's own beautiful and sugary sweet chapter.


At eight o'clock Miranda shows up at the football field, with her bike right next to her.

The field lights were off, and the sun was low in the sky, just brushing the horizon line. Everything was bathed in a glow, and a cool breeze floated through the warm air, carrying with it the sent of freshly mowed grass.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Miranda called.

From the middle of the field, she sees Georgie waving in her direction, silhouetted by the beginning of the sunset. Miranda dropped her bike by the gate and jogged out into the middle of the field where he was standing.

Georgie bowed his head and showed his hands in his pockets. For the first time in his life Georgie Cooper was nervous. "Miranda, what I said was out of line and horrible, and just to get this out there, I don't like Veronica, I like this girl with dark brown curly hair, that wears no makeup and still looks gorgeous, that sits in the library all day just reading, and that has stoked my heart since I listened to her song in the music room."

Miranda smiled softly. It was nice to see that he was more than the tough, trouble-making football player everyone thought he was. Miranda fought Georgie off guard by tackling him into a tight hug, and tightened they tumbled to the ground.

"Oof!" He chucked as they lay on the soft grass.
Maybe she really should go out of football like Beau suggested. The world around them glows in amber-gold as the sun continued to set.

"I like you too, so much" she whispers to him softly, and breaks into a round of giggles of her own.

They laid on the field together, laughing and watching the sun set. They talked until the sun had completely disappeared behind the horizon, and the stars began to peak out from behind the curtain of twilight. Their topics of discussion ranged from sports to school to siblings to the sky and with every word, Georgie found himself falling more in love. When Miranda began to get cold (even summer nights can get chilly in east Texas) he offered her his jacket. It was much too big for her, but she accepted gratefully. Together they laid on the grass, gazing up at the glorious Texas sky that displayed the summer constellations just for them.

Eventually, they got up and began to walk around the edges of the football field, the silver moonlight bathing everting they touched. Miranda spotted some wildflowers sprouting outside the track but inside the fence, and she grabbed Georgie's hand, dragging him over to the patch of flora.

"Sit" she motioned to a flower-free patch of grass.

Georgie sat and watched as  Miranda fluttered around the flowers like a butterfly. She picked a whole handful, and plopped down in front of him.

She began to weave the flowers together, and Georgie cocked his head as he watched her, well and throughly confused. It looked like she was making a rope, but the rope was made of wildflowers. After a solid five minutes, he finally asked her, "What in the heck are ya doing?"

"Just one second...." she said, and connected the two ends of the flower rope. Carefully, she reached up, and placed the newly made flower crown on Georgie's head. "There. Now you're the king of the football field."

"If I'm the king, then will you be the queen?" He asked.

Miranda laughed shyly. "Oh course Georgie."

"But now you gotta make another crown, y'know so you can be queen."

Halfway through creating a second flower crown for herself (Georgie attempted to make one, but failed miserably), Miranda saw Georgie's eyes widen.

"Oh! I almost forgot! I picked some flowers for you....." Georgie pulled a wad of crumpled daisies out of his pocket. "But,um, they kinda-"

Miranda grinned, taking them from him. She tucked a few into his crown and a few into hers. "Georgie Cooper, they're absolutely perfect, just like you." She laughed again, placing her finished flower crown on her head.

They locked eyes, and in that moment, Georgie swore that her eyes were more beautiful than the sky above them or any of the wildflowers by the field. Ever so slowly, he leaned closer to her, closer, closer. Until his lips brushed hers and everything became right with the world.

A/N: hey it's ladydevils_3! Sorry for the long wait for these two chapters but hope y'all liked them!

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