Chapter 3 (new)

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It was Friday, and that meant it was football day. The whole town was psyched for the Wolves game. Even though it was a varsity game, and Georgie was on the JV team, he still wore his jersey with pride while walking down the halls. On the way to homeroom, he saw a girl struggling to hold her many books at her locker. He usually wouldn't help someone, but he recognized those dark brown curls.

"You need help?" He asks while holding her elbow up to help steady her books.

Miranda turned around, startled by the hand on her arm. "Hey Georgie. Um, sure. Yes. I mean yes, I need help." Miranda stumbles over her words, still struggling with the fact that Georgie Cooper was touching her arm.

He took three of her books off the top of her stack and added them to the Earth Science textbook he was carrying. "What homeroom are you in?"

"I'm in room 121." She replies softly.

"Oh, I'm in 123, maybe we can walk together?" Georgie asks.

"I'd like that." Miranda says, smiling.

"So, ya going to the football game?" He asks her as they begin their trek to the other side of the school to their respective homerooms.

"Well, my foster sister is the cheer captain, so I usually go. Why do ya ask?" She replies. "Well the JV game is right before varsity, and I'm on the team. So will ya come early to watch me play?" He asks her, somehow able to keep the nerves out of his voice.

"Sure I'd love to go." Miranda says.

Georgie's smile grows larger. He's never smiled so sincerely this much, especially to a girl. "T-that's great!" They finally reach room 121. "I'll see ya tonight, maybe I'll make a touchdown for ya." He flashes a proud smirk while giving her back her textbooks.

"Maybe you will." She replies with a tone that was almost... flirty? She's about to walk into the room, she turns around. "Georgie?" She asks.


"Thanks for carrying my books. I'll see ya tonight." She tells him as she disappears into her noisy homeroom, a paper airplane flying out in her wake. Georgie stares at the door for a few moments before ducking into Mrs. MacElroy's homeroom.


It's after school at the football field, and Miranda had just found a perfect place in the stands. For a JV game, it was very crowded. She just moved to this town at the end of last school year, but it was clear how much the small town loved football. Her spot was next to a little girl, the prodigy boy from her American History class, and someone who she guessed was their mother. She smiles down at the adorable little girl. Her eyes look so familiar, a color like sunlight on a lake, almost like the guy she can't get out of her head.

"Hello Miranda Wolfe." She hears next to her coming from the boy from her History class, Georgie's incredibly academically gifted nine year-old brother.

"Hi Sheldon!" Miranda grins at the young boy. Besides his constant pretentiousness, she liked him well enough.

Sheldon's sister and mother share a knowing look. Mary Cooper smiles at the young teenage girl, knowing exactly who she is.

"Hello I'm Marry Cooper. Sheldon's mom." She says, extending a hand.

Miranda shook Mrs. Cooper's hand firmly, just like how she was taught. "Hello Mrs.Cooper, I'm Miranda Wolfe. I have classes with both Sheldon and Georgie."

The little girl perks up and says with a roll of her eyes, "Oh! You're the girl that Georgie wouldn't shut up about!"

Clearly Georgie must talk about her somewhat for that reaction. Miranda has an amused look on her face. This girl's got sass, and she loves it. "Oh and who are you?"

Young Sheldon: Georgie's love storyWhere stories live. Discover now