Why Didn't You Tell?

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( That pic is Quinn btw. Soon you'll find out what happened when Leo, Kendall, and Quinn first met. I need you opinion, is my writing good cause I fell as if it's terrible. Plz tell ur opinions I don't care how mean they are. ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Previous: 3rd POV

Suddenly  there was light. All heads turned to the corner where fire has lit to  show who was in the corner. Out of shock, and belief he thought he was  hallucinating, Leo's katanas fell on to the ground and all you could  here was the clanging of the fallen weapons.

The  little girl in the corner had tears streaming down her face. Happy  ones. She knows him. He knows her. They both missed each other so much.  She knew from what she's seen through his mind that this was him. She  was so happy. Then the words he has missed hearing was said with one of  the voices he's missed listing to.



Present: still 3rd POV

That whispered word echos off the dark walls of the room. No one spoke leaving silence among them. Leo hated silence but he was to shocked to do anything about it. That child's voice was one voice he longed to here and not just in his sleep. His brothers looked between Leo and Quinn, confused at how they knew each other. Leo was shocked; frozen in place. That one corner illuminated by the fire she created and held in her hand.

He couldn't bel.... no; wouldn't believe what was right in front of him. He saw the pictures, he heard the gun shots; he looked everywhere for the both of them with no such luck. They are dead, SHE is dead. This child died along with the girl he loves. But then, how can she be standing right there in front of him. 'I must be hallucinating again.' he thought to himself.

It wouldn't be the first time he hallucinated about Quinn and Kendall. Though, when this happened they were usually together, as a mother and daughter. He needs to know for sure. He needs to know that this isn't going insane. Leo fell to his knees and looked into her watery,red eyes. He then whispered the only word his mouth would allow to come out.


Quinn was so happy. He was alive. Those memories she saw in his mind were real for she knows no one could replicate what they didn't know happened. Her face breaks into a bright smile as she throws the fire to the ground, so it stays on, and runs to her father. She wraps her little seven year old arms around Leo's neck as his immediately goes around her tiny waist. Quinn's happy tears continue to fall down her checks and onto Leo's shoulder as she never losses that bright smile. This day might've started out terrible, with Kari wanting to kill her and all, but she wouldn't trade this day for anything.

As they pull away from each other, Leo stutters with the words he wants to say causing Quinn to let out a tiny giggle. His eyes wide; staring at her as if he's seen a ghost, as far as he knows he probably was.

"W-w-What's going on?" he questions, "This is impossible. Y-your dead, both of you. I-i-i don't understand.

Quinn's smile deflates a little as she softly looks at the man she loves as a father and moves hr hands to each side of his face. "No I didn't daddy. Neither did mommy. I'm real." Then she figured out a way to prove it to him. 'I promise daddy. I'm really Quinn.' she mentally thought to him. No one knew of that power except her, Leo, and Kendall.

Now he knew. She's really Quinn for only she could do that. Leo's face broke out into a giant smile as he picks up his "daughter" to bring her back into a hug as he stands up and spins in a circle, hugging her tight. Her giggles fill up the room along with Leo's deep chuckles. It's been a while since he's done that and it didn't go unnoticed by the other three standing silently in the room watching this exchange.

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