Chapter Fourteen

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Tan Soo Mi

"Tan Soo Mi, right?" Yungyeom ran up to me, the boys following slowly behind. I nodded.

"Thank you so much for helping me!" He embraced me and I quickly turned him and pinned him to the wall.

Since training I had gone back to my old reflexes. He groaned quietly.

"S-Sorry!" I let go of him. "Natural instinct..." he chuckled gently.

"It's okay, anyway what's a girl like you doing out on the streets of Seoul, it's dangerous you know that right? More so if you're on our territory, if you didn't save my life you'd have several bullets lodged in your body." His voice dropped in pitch.

I let out a laugh. "Oh Yugyeom, you make me laugh." I wiped away a fake tear.

"What's so funny?" He questioned, the boys coming over now and slowly backing me into an alley, they all looked angry.

"Who owned the whole of Seoul before you did?" I questioned.

His eyes widened as did the rest of the boys. "Their family name was Tan. Quite fitting since it can mean bullets..."

"I'm their daughter, Tan Soo Mi." I flashed a kind smile. Their eyes widened before they bowed, causing another genuine laugh to leave my lips.

"W-We thought you died with your parents!" Jinyoung exclaimed.

"I'm rather alive." I hummed quietly. Gunshots rang not too far away, all the boys protectively surrounded me.

"We'll cover you, just get back to your house." One of the other males spoke lowly. I shook my head.

"Rumour has it the Tang girl still lives, hand her over and we might share Seoul with you." Another male spoke, a teasing tone to his voice.

"Share Seoul?" I laughed bitterly, pushing through the boys, facing a male with the same emblem tattooed on his neck as the male from the club. "Don't make me laugh. If I was to die Seoul would immediately fall into the hands of my gang, my wing woman and right hand man becoming the head of the gang."

"You're out numbered, just give up your life now." He smirked.

"Boys, I've got this one. Okay?" I flashed the GOT7 boys behind me a smirk and as I was facing them I drew my gun from an inside pocket and shot, several times.

When I turned back to them there was just a teenage boy standing, shaking with fear.

"You have one option, and I don't offer this out very often." I took long casual steps towards him, his gun shaking yet aiming at me.

"G-Go away or I'll shoot!" He stuttered.

"Join my gang or die." I spoke softly, my gun prodding against his chest.

"Why would you even want me? I-"

"I can make you into a beast, better than anybody in your little gang." I leant forward to his ear. His eyes widened. "They didn't even mark you as theirs, they were using you as a meat shield. In my gang you'll be an equal~" I hummed.

"I'd rather-"

"Don't mess this up kid. She rules Seoul." Yugyeom commented from behind me.

His eyes widened slightly as he looked at me. However he wasn't much taller.


"You lost your parents didn't you?" I broke him off, lowering my gun. His eyes widened further.

"How did you-?"

"I can tell by the way you speak, and compose yourself." I paused. "You do realise that if you join my gang, it'll be like a big family. You'll have all the siblings and parental figures you can dream of."

He met my eyes, tears welling up.

"I choose to be in your gang."

Territorial // BTS Gang AU //Where stories live. Discover now