Chapter 33: Mr. Stalker?

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The morning was beautiful. And the fact that school starts late today just makes it more beatiful. Tracie decided to bring her twin sisters to the duck pond to introduce them to the ducks. The twins are not going to the daycare centre as Dexter and Charlotte are taking them to a fair somewhere out of town. Tracie got her usual bag with writing materials and got ready. She told Momma that she was taking the twins and Momma told her to come back home fast as Dexter is already on his way to take them.

Tracie walked with each of the twin.holding her hands. They were debating whether should candy be a substitute for real food or not? Willow disagreed while Tracie and Lucille agreed. The trio went on about the pros and cons until they reached the pond.

They ran towards the pond almost immediately. Tracie was just as amused as the twins although this was not her first time seeing the ducks. Lucille was a bit hostile of the ducks because they were yellow. Lucille strongly dislike the colour yellow for some unknown reasons. Probaby because of BJ, Barney's yellow dino friend. Or bananas because she is allergic to them. Tracie wanted to check the bench so she piggybacked Willow while carrying Lucille in her arms. Passer-bys would have mistaken her to be a single mum.

The sight that greeted Tracie was shocking. Reason? The bench was no longer there. In fact, the greenery and all were now replaced by bulldozers and trucks. Tracie noticed a sign that read "A new playground is coming your way!" Tracie felt sad. She had made an emotional connection to the bench and now it is gone. And that was also her only way to communicate with Mr. Anonymous. She was planning to write to him whether she should make him a bow or how would she know it is him at prom. With a heavy heart she walked home, both twins still clinging onto her.

It was not until she reached home did she feel the weight of both twins. She put Lucille down before helping Willow get off her back. The twins ran into the living room and started squealing. Tracie bet that Dexter and Charlotte has arrived. She greeted them and apologised that she took too long to bring them back home. The bothe of them waved it off, saying they themselves had just arrived too. Tracie excused herself to get ready for school while they excused themselves to leave for the fair.

Tracie had to take the bus today as the girls are busy with things. Or so they say. Tracie walked lazily towards the bus stop. She was afraid she would take the wrong bus as she was lately pampered by people fetching her. A bus arrived and Tracie took it. Luckily, it was the right bus. Tracie reached school just in time for assembly. She quickly made her way to the hall to join the assembly.

Lunch came by and the girls were all now at their usual lunch table. Shawna had heard the latest gossip so she started sharing. "Rumour has it that Shay broke up with Louis!!" She whisper-yelled.

The girls all perked up. Weren't they suppose to be the 'it' couple or something. They looked at Shawna to see if she left any bits. "Someone said that Shay has another guy from out of town as her date to prom thus she ended their relationship," She added as she took a bite off her sandwich.

"So Louis is going to prom solo?" Lily asked as she sipped her apple juice.

"No way he is going alone. He is a hunk," Cleo answered as she checked her hair.

"Speaking of prom, do all of you have a date?" Tracie asked out of curiosity.

"Well you girls already knew," Lily said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Last period, Timothy Greene asked me. Yes, Timothy, the shyest boy ever asked me to prom," Hayley announced as she got surprised looks from her friends.

"Obviously my boyfriend is going to be mine," Cleo said.

"Mine too obviously," Shawna added.

"What about you?" Cleo questioned Tracie.

"It is kind of a bit complicated but Mr. Anonymous left a corsage on my locker asking me to be his date and I may have agreed to it," Tracie said as she fiddled with her fingers.

The girls started to talk how awesome each of them has a date and all. They then questioned on how Mr. Anonymous knew it was Tracie and how would Tracie know if it is him at prom. They discussed through the rest of lunch.

School ended after lunch to allow students to pamper themselves for prom. Students excluding those who volunteered. Tracie started to regret her decision to volunteer. She was still tasked to blowing up the balloons. Which got Tracie thinking why in the world would they need loads of balloons. Tracie decided to call Julian to take her home as she was lazy to take the bus. Thankfully, Julian had to pick up his laundry thus colud make a detour to fetch Tracie.

After blowing up balloons, Tracie was free to go. She almost broke out dancing when she remembered she had to be here tomorrow to help set up the tables for refreshment and all. She dragged her feet towards her locker and was greeted by yet another note. She cautiosly opened it.

Miss Tracie, It has come to my attention that our bench had been removed for a playground. And from my spying,you questioned on how you would know me. A clue is my suit would be all white with a twist. And here is the ticket for you. Can't wait to see you at prom -Mr. Anonymous

Tracie's breath got caught in her throat. Mr. Anonymous not only knows who she is, but he is also spying on her. Tracie felt crept out and amused at the same time. She was snapped out of the trance when she received a call from Julian. She picked up the call and was greeted by Julian who was sweetly threatening her to come out npw pr else she is taking the bus home. And she ran as fast as her unatletic legs would carry her. She saw Julian leaning against his motorcycle.

Tracie reached Julian's motorcylcle and was eying it suspiciously. Julian handed her a helmet. " Who picks up laundry on a motorcycle?" Tracie questioned as she took the helmet carefully from her brother.

"Only cool people do this. And I am the definition of cool," Julian replied as he checked his refelction in the side mirror.

Tracie reluctantly got on the motorcycle. She thought that Julian was drving as she wanted to doze off in the backseat. They reached the house in a few minutes thanks to Julian, who went over speed limit because he wanted to watch a football match with Adam. Tracie got off the motorcycle and lost her balance. She landed on the grass and felt contended for once. After going through that ride, she felt grateful for the ground beneath her. She laid there until Julian called Adam to carry her inside, claiming that cool people don't carry their 17 year old sisters who fell on the ground and refuse to get up. Adam carried her and left her on the couch before going to his bedroom, where Julian is setting up the place to watch football.

Tracie got up from the couch and made her way to the kitchen. She got a glass of water and decided to spend the rest of the afternoon in the library. She went upstairs and entered the library and grabbed a random book and sat at a corner. She realised she had read it before so she opened a random page and started reading. She read until Gramps called her to help him with something.

Gramps had asked her help to hang up some fairy lights on the wall in his room. Turns out Gramps found out about Tumblr. and found some room ideas. Tracie complied with Gramps but on the condition he will buy some for her too. Gramps wanted the fairy lights to hanged in way that it would spell his initials and Grandma's; C & K. Gramps name was Calvin and Grandma's was Katherine. Tracie managed to make them look right for once. Even Gramps applauded for her. Tracie was proud of her handiwork. "This is going to be my feature wall," Gramps announced.

"Gramps, it seems like I am just counting down days until you own a YouTube channel," Tracie said as she admired her work.

"Truth is, I am working on that," Gramps replied as he pointed over to his camera stuff. Tracie juat shook her head as Momma called them for dinner.


To anyone who wonders who Julian and Adam are, they are Tracie's twin brothers. Have fun reading

NOTE: LAST SECRETS GOT 1.4K READS AND 110 VOTES. I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU WHO HAVE VOTED AND TOOK THE TIME TO READ THIS BOOK. ((and if you have not vote,do me a favour and vote after you are done reading)) {06052014}


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