Chapter 36: Unexpected

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Tracie regretted following her feelings and taking the bus. The amount of weird looks she was getting made her feel uncomfortable. She looked like her date stood her up and had to take the bus. The ride felt longer than usual. When the bus finally reached her school, she jumped put of the seat and off the bus.

She let out a huge breath. She checked her hair in her mirror and straightened her dress before walking towards the school gates. "This is it," she thought, "Mr. Anonymous is about to be known."

She walked in the hallway and saw that not many people were there. After all, they want to make a late entrance. Tracie checked her watch and it was just 6:30PM. She was sure her friends would arrive later as they usually do. Tracie went to the reception table and gave her ticket to enter. Yvonne took her ticket and examined it.

"Oh so you were the one?" she said with a small laugh.

"The one? So I am limited edition?" Tracie asked.

"Well you sure are. Look a guy who came with a ticket like this asked me to tell you to go to the library," Yvonne said as she took another person's ticket.

"Who is the guy?" Tracie asked, hoping to get answers.

"I can't tell you that. He did say to tell you what he wore. He was wearing a white suit with a twist. So far the only one I've seen this evening," Yvonne said.

Tracie almost asked what the twist was when she had a feeling Yvonne would not tell her. "So I need to bring the ticket to the library?" Tracie asked. Yvonne nodded and Tracie walkes towards the library.

Her mind was now filled with thoughts. She wanted to know the identity of Mr. Anonymous but at the same time, she doesn't. Even she is confused with what exactly she wants. She thought about Alexander in his white suit. But his suit looked normal or Tracie was just not that observant.

Tracie reached the door of the library. There was a reception table but no one was manning it. Instead, there was a box with a sign 'PUT TICKETS HERE' Tracie was about to put her ticket when she saw there was just one other ticket. She took it and inspect it. It was just like hers, with splatters of paint. Suddenly Tracie felt creative and decided to put the tickets together. The splatters joined and Tracie felt happy. She then put the tickets- both hers and the other one, in the box. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

She looked around. Her gut feeling said that the other ticket was Mr. Anonymous'. The library at Madison High was big. Tracie started having wild imagintions. What if he was a psycho killer? No one would be able to hear her screams because everyone would be busy dancing and having fun. Tracie became paranoid. She was walking towards the first row of shelves when she saw a note.

Glad you came Miss Secrets, or should I say Tracie -Mr. Anonymous

She looked up ahead and noticed there were notes along the sides of the bookshelves.

Follow the notes... -Mr. Anonymous

Are you excited as I am? -Mr. Anonymous

I hope I don't dissapoint you with my looks -Mr. Anonymous

Do you love chocolates? I know I do -Mr. Anonymous

I'm starting to think mythical creatures exist, thanks to you -Mr. Anonymous

I did not know what came over me to reply to your note back then. Sure glad I did -Mr. Anonymous

Sorry I ignored you back then -Mr. Anonymous

The bench is being replaced by a playground so I hope we could be friends -Mr. Anonymous

I like you -Mr. Anonymous

Tracie took the last note. There was no other note in sight. She read it again and again. She suddenly whispered, "I like you too." She looked around hoping Mr. Anonymous would pop out. The silence in the library was too much for her. She was about to walk back to the entrance when she heard someone cleared his throat.

Tracie froze at her spot. The moment she had waited all day long is finally here. She only needs to turn around and see who Mr. Anonymous is. 'Or a psychotic killer,' her mind added. She shook off the thought and took a deep breath before turning around.

Her eyes widened in shock. She blinked a few times to ensure that she was not seeing things. She even pinched her arms to ensure it was not a dream. She could not believe what, or rather who, she was looking at. She continued staring at the person in front of her. Louis Griswald. Standing in his white suit that had paint splattered on it. Wearing his charming smile. And awkwardly waved his hands in front of Tracie's face to get her attention.


Did you expect that?


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