Chapter 14: Plan?

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She decided to write her reply first before going to the bench. She took out a piece of paper and began writing.


Life has been good for me. My friends are still my friends and my enemies are still my fans jkjk xD. And yes I do come here everyday because there is just something calming about this place. Its almost like its...MAGICAL. Though I have not found any dwarves or fairies around this area. How did you find this place? And how is it going with the girl? -Miss Secrets

Tracie had a hard time writing the last part and she has no idea why. It is just a feeling in her stomach as she wrote that. Folding the note into a square,Tracie got ready for her plan.

She was out the door as soon as she got ready. She just realised that Mr. Anonymous could have been there in the morning and it was already past noon. She speedwalked towards the bench. She took the note from under the bench and swiftly changed it to her note.

She checked her surruondings and immediately got into hiding. She had just realised she had not put on any insect repellant or her book to keep her company. For who knows if Mr. Anonymous would ever show up.

She was just about to get comfortable; almost falling asleep due to boredom, the sound of thunder jolt her awake. She looked up into the sky and a raindrop landed on her forehead. Yet another loophole in her plan – she did not check the weather forecast.

Tracie ran home as fast as her non-athletic legs could. By the time she reached her house, she was wet from head to toe and the rain was getting heavier. She entered the house and immediately took a hot shower to warm her up. The shower lasted longer than usual for Tracie could not bear to part from the warmth of the water. She finally got out of the shower when her fingertips start to prune up. She settled for an oversized sweater, courtesy of Todd, and a pair of comfortable pants.

She was just drying her hair when her cell phone rang. It was from Cleo.

“Heyyyyy,what are you up to tonight?”

“Nothing really,my family is out of town an-”


“What's perfect?”

“You see the girls and I had just completed this Science project at Lily's house. And I thought we could have a girls' night in since it is raining quite heavily and all I want is to snuggle with my friends”

“Awww that is so sweet of you .But I have to ask for Momma's permission. And tomorrow is a school day and all”

“We got that all covered. Text me whether you get the green light or not. Love ya”

“Love ya too”

Tracie immediately called Momma and asked for her permission. Momma permitted as they were not coming back home tonight for Dexter and Todd need loads of help unpacking and settling into their new apartment. Tracie thanked Momma and immediately texted Cleo.

Tracie went ahead and got the extra blankets out and raided the kitchen for any snacks. And a few minutes later, the girls were at her front door. Lily's mom told them she would drive them to school tomorrow morning and to have fun but not too much fun.

Tracie, Cleo, Shawna, Lily and Hayley went to Tracie's bedroom and got comfortable on the floor or anywhere around the room. Then,they started doing every girls' favourite pastime; gossiping.

Their favourite thing to gossip about is Aileen Matthews. Basically because they had a bad past with her. And probably about the way she act and her relationships. She is always changing her boyfriend as often as Shawna brush her hair, and that girl brushes her hair 100 times per section per day. She is also somehow a bit of a printer, she likes to copy what Cleo does half of the time. Besides talking about her, they started talking about their crushes, eye candies or anything revolving boys.

In the midst of them confessing who their crushes were, Tracie decided to tell them about the notes and also the funny feeling she got from reading the note when he asked for advise to pursue a girl.

“Ooooh someone got bitten by the lovebug through words,” Shawna teased playfully.

“Words really do have an effect of a bookworm,that's for sure,” Cleo said as she was finishing a braid on Lily's head.

“OMG people should really stop saying I Knew You Were Trouble is about Harry. People should understand Red came out way before their relationship. Are people really that dense?” Hayley said as she flipped through a magazine featuring her favourite singer, Taylor Swift.

“Well our friend here is quite dense,” Lily said as she motioned towards Tracie, earning her a pillow to her face. And so the pillow fight started.

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