The One Where The Gang Meets.

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Sssniperwolf as Maddie Haley
"Hey Girly, get up it's your first day of school!" Dan shakes me awake.
"Touch me again and I'll punch you, now don't wake me up til 3." I growl burring my face in a pillow.
"Luna, you have to go to school," Phil mutters lightly.
"Ok Dad," I hop out of bed and head to the bathroom. I hear Dan scoff outside the door in his white girl voice. I laugh and continue doing me hair, after that I brush my teeth and get dressed. (Pic above). I grab a handful of Malts on eat them. I say bye to my dads and head out to the bus stop. There's a few people there already. There's a guy with red hair and a leather jacket, underneath there's a ATL shirt. Then there's a girl with blond pigtails and short pink dress.
"I'm Hayden,"
"Cool, Luna,"
"Nice shirt," The red head says
"Right back at cha!" I reply
"You like ATL too?"
"Who doesn't? I'm guessing you like Panic!, Fall Out, Blink-182, and all them?" I question
"Yeah!" He laughs
"Ugh, I'm surrounded by emo creeps!" The blond growls
"Shut up Amber!" He barks
"Mhmm okay then," The bus pulls up and we head on. Hayden sits next to me in the back. Not long after we're at the school, Hayden pulls me over to behind the school. I see two other people back there. One with blackish dark purple hair, and the other with dark blue hair.
"Sup," The female nods
"Aye," The dude leans up against the wall.
"This is Luna," Hayden nudges me over to them
"Hey," I say
"You seem pretty cool," The girl says
"Maddie," she holds her hand out to me. I shake it and we mid hug.
"Anthony, Tony for short," I shake his hand as well.
"Anyways, what's up?" Hayden says
He pulls out a cigarette and lights it, he starts doing tricks with the smoke.
"Nice tricks," I say unamused
"Think you can do better?" He retorts
"Yee," I'm a living meme. He hands me the small roll of smoking paper and I start.
"..." Is all they say
"Lets head to class," Hayden says
*after school*
Hayden, Maddie, and I stood waiting on our parents to pick us up.
"Come on Dan, Phil hurry!" I grit my teeth
"Did you say Dan and Phil?" Maddie asks
"Like, Dan Howell and Phil Lester?" Hayden cocks his head
"Yeah..." I say
"No Mikey Way." They say in unison.
"We need proof,"
"Okay, hey siri, call Howell Home," I ring Dan and Phil
"Hey Girly, what cha need?" Dan answers
"Sorry! I forgot! PHIL YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO REMIND ME!" He yells
The others stand in shock
"On our Gerard Way" Phil jokes
I hang up the phone;
"Need more?"
Dan and Phil pull up and get out.
"Hey DJ, Dad!" I run over and hug them. Maddie's jaw falls open;
"I-I-" stuttering one of my greatest fears
"Hi Mr.Howell, Mr.Lester," Hayden says in amazement
"Just call us Dan and Phil or Phan, honestly I don't care." Phil blurts out
"Did you say Phan?" Maddie clearly let's her Phangirl out.
"Yup!" Dan replys
"Anyways what's for dinner?" I ask
"A healthy meal of cold pizza!" Phil exclaims
"Dummy," Hayden whispers, I hear it but ignore it.
"Let's go!" Dan yells running to the car
"I'M READY TO GO O O O GET ME OUTTA MY MIND!" We all sing, that wasn't planned. I say bye to my friends and we leave.
Once in the car I whip out my phone and start texting Harvey;
R: Wud up
H: nofin
R: anyone freak bout Ty and Troye bein ur dads
H: 1 person
R: who
H: a new friend I met at our school named Amber
R: oh u meen da preppy queen bee
H: She's not a prep she just tries 2 fit in
R: Okay whateva anyways were gettin fuud
H: see ya l8er
R: l8er
"He's hanging out with her." I mumble
"Hey Girly," Dan inturups the silence
"Can you ask your friends not to say anything about Phan yet?"
Hay Hay, Maddie
R: hey guys
H: sup
M: hey
R: DJ and dad don't won't anything said bout phan yet
H: 🤐
R: thanks
M: 🤐🔑🗑🏠
R: lol thanks guys
"They said they won't,"
*next morning*
I wake up by myself for some reason. I get out of bed and get dressed (Pic below minus hair)

 I get out of bed and get dressed (Pic below minus hair)

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I run out of my room and quietly open Phan's door

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I run out of my room and quietly open Phan's door. I go back to my room and get a head start and jump on them. (My mom is making stake, pasta, and I forgot what else, but if you ever taste her stake you would want it everyday).
"I headed to school, love you both" and with that is hug them and leave. Hayden and I start to talk then we see a bugatti pull up, and Chelcie gets out. She "hmp"s us and we start talking again. I take out a lighter I had in my pocket and play with it.
"I could put the flame in the princesses hair," Hay says
"Be my guest," I joke
"Hey Am!" I hear a voice say. It was Harvey. I move closer to Hayden, as he runs over.
"Hey Harves," Chelcie says
"Hey Lune!" He walks over to hug me but, I deny.
"You know her?" Blondie spits
"Yeah! She like my sister! Before we got adopted we lived in the same room at the orphanage." She cocks her head and 'coughs';
"*cough* adopted emo freak *cough*"
"Aww, thank you!" I say with pride
"That was an insult," Hayden whispers
"I think I know that dimwit!" I grab a clump of his hair and pull it.
"So how's your dads?" Harvey asks. I flair my hands around indicating Phan hasn't been revealed yet.
"Didn't she tell you?" Maddie says walking up behind him
"No?" He ask/says
"Forgot bout 'em." I state sarcastically
The bus pulls up and we get on. Harvey gets pulled to a seat by Amber. Maddie, Hayden and I sit in this order;
Window: Maddie
Middle: Hayden
Outside: Me
I put in my headphones, I got really tired from watching films with Phan last night. We had stayed up till 3, goodbye sleep schedule! I slowly close my eyes and lean on Hay Hay.
Ambers pov
I see the emo freaks sat in a row and I pull Harvey to one with me. We sit there and talk until his eyes dart to the creeps.
Harvey's pov
My eyes look away from Am to look at Luna. She's so cute- wait she's my sister- but not really.... she's really cute! I say mentally. I watch her as Am rambles on about fashion and some party this weekend she's hosting. Luna lays her head in the red head, That should be me! I silently snarl. I've had a crush on her for some while now. I became friends with Amber to win over Luna's heart, but Hayden's in the picture now. Hayden looks over at me with a death glare when Lune lays her head in his shoulder and falls asleep.
Hayden's pov
I see Harvey staring at L. When she puts her head on me he got a angry look in his eyes. I stare right back at him with; touch her you die, wake her I'll kill you eyes.
Luna's pov
I feel Hayden braiding my hair. He shakes me awake once we pull up to school, and I pop up. Maddie, Hayden, Tony, and I head to first period, Maths. I suck at maths so I hope Dan and Phil don't expect me to make good grades here.

Hai guys! Yasssss I've finally stayed awake long enough to write a long chapter! Anyways, that's all I have to say! Byeeeeeee *gives hug in Totoro onsie and gives cookie*
1361 words

SotC: You Don't Know Me by Jax Jones ft. RAYE

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