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THE MEMBERS WERE finally being rewarded for their relentless hard work and never ending training; basking in the glorious sun and breathing in the fresh sea breeze of the beach - it was different from familiarising themselves with the grim smell of sweat, from hours of exhausting training.

These were the moments Jason valued most; time away from what they did everyday, just taking a break to appreciate everything and catch up with everybody, animatedly talking away about trivial matters and remembering that it was okay to have cheat days and take a break from working all the time. Days like these also gave him time to catch up on his favourite game of all time: Dancing Line. He couldn't help but be addicted to the mobile game.

"Yah! I've become so bad at this," he exclaimed, frustratingly tapping away at the phone screen, feeling his inner control freak helplessly watching as he failed to pass the level, due to not practicing for a while.

Not long ago, Jun and Chan had ditched the group to buy ice cream for them all, Donghun had gone for a swim and Seyoon was last seen sunbathing. That left Jason to aimlessly walk around the beach, playing his game in deep concentration; unaware of his surroundings.

One second the phone was in his hands and the next it was mingling with the sand on the ground. "Son of a motherless goat!" He yelled in surprise, a mere few seconds before bumping into something hard and slightly wet, knocking the breath out of him and making him fall flat out on his ass.

Looking up, it was no other than his-no, the handsome mochi destroyer. The guy he always seemed to bump into, at the most inconvenient times.

Seyoon looked as if he had just gotten out of the ocean, his raven hair darkening further-to a shade Byeongkwan didn't even know existed-his shirt clung to his body, revealing the bevels of his abs, that Jason couldn't help staring at longer than he felt he should've.

"Geez, you need to be more careful." Seyoon tuts in slight worry, extending a hand out towards Byeongkwan, simultaneously smirking down at him in amusement. One thing Seyoon could never seem to get over was the cuteness Byeongkwan possessed, it seemed to drive him over the edge. "And stop being so cute." He casually dropped in, as if the sentence were a normal everyday conversation starter.

Byeongkwan blushed in embarrassment, his cheeks tinting into a light shade of pink. He ignored Seyoons statement that caused butterflies to flutter chaotically in his stomach, and grabbed the extended hand that was offered to him, pulling Seyoon down onto the ground along with him.

However, things didn't go according to the plan Byeongkwan had.

Not that he had a plan to begin with; but the instant Seyoon was on top of him, he had no idea on what to do. His breathe slowed and his train of thought ceased, "g-get off me," he managed to muster through his flustered state.

Seyoon smirked down at him, defiantly bringing his face closer to Byeongkwan, as if he was challenging him instead, "what are you going to do, cutie?" He teasingly spoke, gradually hovering his lips above Byeogkwan's lips, till their noses touched and their breathes began to mingle.

"Y-yah!" Byeongkwan exclaimed in a whisper-shout, refusing to stare Seyoon in the eyes any longer-tightly shutting them instead. He had no idea what he was feeling, or why he was feeling such things; he didn't know why his body was reacting the way it was, going limp with desire and causing cages of butterflies to cause commotions inside of him. He tried to concentrate on his shallow breathing, but not even his peace of mind could distract the feeling of Seyoon's thumping heartbeat, that was pressed up against him. He couldn't think straight, and instead his mind focused on the boy on top of him.

He felt a small, gentle peck being planted on the tip of his nose, before the weight on top of him was lifted.

Slowly blinking his eyes open, he couldn't get the tingling feeling on his nose to leave his mind. Staring straight up, he was greeted by Seyoon's dilated eyes, and once again, extended hand. Still in a daze, he grabbed the hand and was lifted up.

He wasn't sure if what had happened was a dream or if it had really happened. He wondered if he had just imagined Seyoon pecking his nose. Or if Seyoon was even on top of him.

However, by the time Jason had recollected his thoughts, he watched Seyoon walk towards the other members who were taking pictures to upload on their social medias, so that their fans would be updated. Frantically grabbing his phone from the sand, he realised he should join the rest of the members and ran to catch up with Seyoon. There was no way he was going to miss out on taking group photos.

"Mochi destroyer, wait up!"

Chan immediately looked in Jason's reaction, smirking at the cute nickname that would never leave Jason's mouth, and the teasing nature they Seyoon and Jason seemed to radiate. He thought the raven haired boy and the enthusiastic mochi-lover would be cute together-in fact, they already were.

Chan looked back at Donghun and Jun, "what do you think the shipping name should be for those two?" He spoke, pointing back at the Jason and Seyoon.

"Hm, how's Jawow?" Jun suggested.

Donghun scrunched his nose in distaste, "no way, what about Wowson?"

"But Jawow is cute!" Jun argued back.

"It's really not! Chan, you can be the tie breaker." Donghun resonated.

"Wowson." He finally picked after moments of contemplation, coinciding with the other two catching up and being in earshot.

"What's Wowson?" Jason asked, his cheeks flushed in a pink hue; Chan guessed it must have been from something Seyoon said.

"It's yours and Seyoon's ship name," Chan teasingly answers.

Jason's blush deepened, as he whacked chan on the arm. "Yah!"

Seyoon let a small smile paint his lips, looking at the blushing blondie, "I like it."

i'm incredibly sorry it wasn't as long as it could be and that i haven't updated in a long ass time !!! i've just been so busy with school and all && had a lot of moments of writers block but i'll try manage my time better and dedicate more time t...

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i'm incredibly sorry it wasn't as long as it could be and that i haven't updated in a long ass time !!! i've just been so busy with school and all && had a lot of moments of writers block but i'll try manage my time better and dedicate more time to my fanfic because y'all deserve the time and commitment. thank you for the relentless support. [insert a bunch of hearts n a plate of cookies for y'all].

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