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Being the shy girl I am it's hard living in the Slytherin house. I have no clue why the sorting hat sorted me into Slytherin, I'm shy, kind and caring, smart, if anything I'd be a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. But, no! I was put into the worst house you could think of. Well, it's not that bad, just the people in it make my life miserable.
The one person that causes my life pain, the one person I have to share my house with. Draco Malfoy. Draco Malfoy causes my life pain, sadness. He picks on me, bullies me in the hallways, pushes me, makes fun of me, ever sense the first day of the first year at Hogwarts. It's now my 5th year.


"Bye Herm!" I wave smiling slightly but keeping my head down as I give a small smile.

"Bye Y/N! See you at dinner!" She called over her shoulder before running off somewhere. Hermione's been my friend sense first year, we've always gotten along even after all the hardships, she still stood by me.

I begin making my way back to the Slytherin common room, head down and books close to my chest wanting to be invisible, hoping that no one would see me. Oh boy was I wrong. I was pushed to the ground next the wall, hissing in pain as my knees hit the hard floor, my books, wand, and papers spilling everywhere. I open my eyes to shoes in front of me, the shiny black shoes I know all to well.

"Hah! Filthy mud-blood!" I don't bother to look up instead and I try and reach for my books, but before I can reach it a foot stomps on it, causing me to squeak and cower back.

"What's wrong. Cat got your tongue or are you just to stupid to talk." He smirked.

"C-Can I j-just please have my s-stuff back..?" I look up at him shaking violently. His gaze seems to soften a bit, which is quite strange the Draco Malfoy is never kind. Or maybe he is? There's been one time where I've seen him alone in the darkness of the common room, alone, and crying.... even when he's so mean I can't help but still have a crush on him.

"Why.. so you can go hide in a corner." He hissed, but he sounded like he didn't mean it. What's up with him today? H kicked my muggle book against the wall, before walking away. By that time I notice all the people looking at me, I quickly grab my stuff and my ruined book and quickly running to the common room tears falling from my eyes. But what I didn't know was that a certain blonde Slytherin watched me run away, with guilty sad grey eyes.


The next day, i'm sat in the common room at 11pm looking at my torn up book. The one that was kicked into a wall and ruined. I sigh trying to stand up but quickly speaking and sitting down again from the pain in my knees. I test escapes my eyes and I quickly wipe it away before more fall. But it's to late, I'm already crying a water fall. I sit there for a while, in the cold, dimly lit common room as I silently sob.

I'm suddenly warmed up by a giant fluffy cozy blanket falling around me, as someone sits behind me on the couch. I stop sobbing turning around to see Draco, sitting there with his head down in guilt. I back up a little bit not knowing what he'll do.

"I-I'm sorry.."'he mumbled looking up to meet my eyes. I sniffle pulling the blanket around me tighter, wincing at the pain in my knees once again. He saw this, and reached his hand out only for me to wince away. Guilt flashed over his face as one tear drop fell from his chin.

"I-I won't hurt you anymore.... I promise." He said sternly and promising.

I nodded and reached my hand out grabbing his allowing him to pull me into his lap on the couch. I sat there for a second unsure of what to do, until I got comfortable and hurting my face in the crook of his neck. His arms wrap around my back and waist holding me as he buries his face in the crook of my neck. His left hand moves down gently to rub my sore knees, I sigh feeling the pain leaving my body.

"Why?" I ask.

"Why now have you decided to be nice? Are you under some sort of spell?" I ask him moving my head from out under his chin to look him in the eyes.

"I've always liked you. Sense first year, when I watched you get sorted into Slytherin I couldn't be happier. I wanted to get to know you, be your friend. But, Pansy Parkinson had other ideas." He stoped to catch his breath before continuing.

"She told her parents what was going on, how I was interested in a mud-Bloo- I mean muggle.... her parents talked with mine. My father, told me not to talk to you, do a thing with you, unless it was to become better than you, or treat you below me.... I never had a choice to become your friend... and- and I'm really sorry! I've been a jerk to you, I've hurt you physically and mentally... and I'm sorry." He sniffled. The whole time he said that, he was rubbing my knees.

I sat there taking it all in. I never realized that.

"It's okay Draco. Believe it or not, I actually like you too... and I forgive you, I did the first time you picked on me, and all the times after that. I saw you one night in the common room, alone and crying, there were also a few times where you would soften your gaze on me. I knew you probably never actually had a cold heart. I forgive you..." I kissed his cheek wiping the tears away in the processes. 

"Bloody hell... I don't deserve you.." he cried holding me tightly.

"I-I can't believe I've been hurting you! I'm so stupid! I-" I stop his rant with a kiss to the lips, closing my eyes at the feeling of his slightly cold lips on mine, moving in sync.

"I love you.." I say cuddling into his chest, closing my eyes.

"I love you more..."

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