Just a Misunderstanding

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A/n: Request are open so feel free to send one in!
Word count: 751

Warning(s) None just feels

The thought of heartbreak is something i'd never thought would ever come into my life. But it did. Draco Malloy the boy who i loved with my whole heart had broken my it into half. The boy who I thought had changed because he loved didn't change at all.

I ran down the empty hallway towards my dorm room that I happened to have by myself. Because of the odd number of Slytherin girls, and because of the fact that no one wanted to share a room with the quiet girl. I got a room to myself. Tears streamed my cheeks as I clumsily ran up the stairs and into my room. I slammed the door shut and fell on my bed covering my face with the blankets.

Me and Draco were supposed to meet up in the library so he could help me with my potions homework. But when I entered the room and rounded the corner I saw Draco kissing pansy while his hand were on her waist. I had dropped my books with a gasp and ran. Draco calling my name behind me, But I didn't turn around and kept running.

And that leads me to here. I laid on my bed for awhile crying and shivering. It was mostly cold in the Slytherin dorms and common room. And I usually had Draco to cuddle with and keep warm, but now that's changed. I had changed into my pajamas and had quickly gotten under the covers again. I glanced outside the window as silent tears fell from eyes.

I'm gonna miss dinner huddling by the way it looked outside. Nor did I care about missing dinner. I just wanted to lay down in bed and sleep. A soft knock made its way through my room, the only other sound was my sniffling.

"W-Who is I-it...?" I questioned. Not getting up to answer the door.

"It's me Draco...." my eyes widened and started to gloss over I sniffles again pulled he covers up to my shoulders.

"Go away!" I yelled wiping my blurred vision away.

"Please... can I explain to you what you saw...please" he begged. His voice sounded like it cracked. I laid there for minute debating on wether or not I should open the door. I guess he took my silence as a no.

"Please... y/n open the door..." he begged once again. I finally got up and walked over to the door opening to reveal myself. My hair was a little messy, tears and tear stains were on my cheeks, my cheeks and eyes were red and puffy from crying. His hair also looked like it had been pulled around.

"I'm sorry... it was a misunderstanding. I would never cheat on you. Not in a million years! I was waiting for you when she ambushed me because she heard you coming... she just tackled me and kissed me... I'm sorry I let her do it I was just shocked and didn't know what to do." He sighed. He looked down at his feet quickly before looking back at my eyes.

"I'm sorry..." a single tear dropped out of his right eye. Jay was enough to cause me to break. I started crying yet again and reached out and hugged him tightly. I buried my face into his chest my sniffles barely audible. His arms wrapped around my back and face fell into the crook of my neck. We stood there for awhile rocking slowly back and forth, and while Draco whispering how sorry he was.

"Please forgive me..." he asked awhile later as we broke apart. I grabbed his hand and shut the door behind us. I lead him to the bed where we started to cuddle.

"I forgive you Draco... I shouldn't have run off" I whispered.

"You has every right to baby.." he kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back.

"I love you Draco... you know that right?" I looked at him a look of worry plastered on my face.

"I love you too my Slytherin princesses..." he rubbed his nose against mine which caused a little laugh to escape my mouth and a wide grin to spread on his.

We stayed like that for while just bathing in each other's company until eventually we fell asleep in each other's arms. Smiled still plastered on our faces.

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