Its all okay now because i have you

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Requested by: @Komparitives

Your POV:

Life is nothing. There's no reason to be here.

Dracos POV:

What's the point.. nothing is worth it.

Your POV:

Your whole life you were bullied. You never fit in with the crowd no matter how hard you tried, nobody seemed to like you. It drove you to depression, people left you alone now but you had turned depressed and no one was helping you. You weren't the only one who was bullied, however you didn't know that Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince was also bullied.

You walked down the long dark cold hallway. No one was around like always, you were by yourself and honestly, you preferred it that way. You found an empty bathroom and walked inside, you were done with this place.. you pulled out a razor and held your wrists up. You say there, and hesitated did you really want to end it all..? You brought the razor closer to your wrists, and just when you thought you were going to do it someone walked in.

"What.. what're you doing" I heard someone say. I looked up and standing only a few feet away from me was Draco malfoy. He walked up to me and sat down next to me.

"I know how you feel." He whispered as he took the razor from my hands.

"But this.." he held up the razor and looked me in the eyes.

"Isn't the way.." he threw the razor across the room and as it landed it made loud ding in the corner. He helped me up and we walked out of the bathroom together, we walked to the court yard and sat in a quiet place and talked for hours, getting to know one another.

Ever since that day me and Draco have grown closer, we met in the court yard in our spot almost every day. I had grown feelings for him shortly after we met but I know to keep it a secret. I slowly started falling for him more and more and I couldn't help but think that sometimes he also loved me. But my over thinking self wasn't so sure.

I was sitting in a corner of the library reading one of my favorite books, today had been rough and I needed a break. It was the most quiet place in all of Hogwarts, who wouldn't like it. The doors opened every once and awhile and every time it opened my head shot up. I was hoping Draco would come looking for me, especially after the events that had happened only an hour prior. Another half and hour went by as I finished another chapter of my book, the doors to the library opened again but this time I didn't even bother to look.

"Y/n... I finally... found you" I looked up to see Draco hunched over his knees trying to catch his breath. His hair and robes were a little disheveled from the running but somehow he still managed to look good. The Librarian held up her finger to her lips and shhed us.

"What're you doing here..?" I whispered, I knew why he was here but I decided to pretend like I didn't. He slowly sat down in the chair across the table from me and looked at me.

"You know why I'm here, y/n" he whispered back. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked down at the table. He wasn't supposed to find out I liked him that way. Before I can to the library I had been walking down the corridor to the great hall for dinner with Draco. Pansy had stopped ya in our tracks on the way there and somehow she knew about my little secret. She told him that I liked him and that's when I just ran. I ran as fast I could because the way Dracos was I was sure he didn't like me back. And now here we are, whispering in the library about the situation.

"I already know you don't-"

"I do like you.. y/n" his voice interrupted me and my eyes widened. I looked at him, my lips parted and my bones were frozen. I didn't think he would like me back. He leaned over the table and placed a kiss on my lips before sitting back in his chair. I smiled and looked down at my legs. He laughed quietly and stood up, grabbing his chair and moving it so it he was sitting next to me. His hand moved and grabbed mine rubbing his thumb over the top of mine. I never thought I would've fallen in love with my bestfriend, but I did.

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