Sunsets and rivers

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Requested by: hpfan7352
Word count: 1029

Your POV:

I checked myself one last time in the mirror. Checking My long light pink dress, my white high heals and my small silver bracelet hanging from my wrist. One that Draco had gotten for me on our second year anniversary. It was Draco and i's 3 year anniversary today and in his right words "I've made plans for us, so go and get ready baby.." he's always done something special for the three years we've been together. Every anniversary is always better then the last because of the extent he goes to for me. I wouldn't trade him for anything.

"You ready baby?" Draco called from the bottom of the stairs. Checking one lass time I I grand my small light pink bad and head down the stairs. As I rounded the corner I heard Draco's breath hitch. My e/c orbs looked up to see wide eyed and his mouth agape, with a little  bit of pink noticeable on his cheeks. A small smile made its way to my face as I slowly walked on the stairs in my white heels. Once I reach the bottom of the stairs even wearing my white heels I still wasn't taller than Draco, ever since we met he was always a good few inches taller than me and always will be. I looked up into his silver or herbs and smiled lately before placing a sweet kiss on his lips.

He stood there in a black tux with a white undershirt and black tie his shoes were a shiny as they could be as you can see your reflection in them, he looks very handsome that it caused my cheeks even with the light pink blush covering them, to still be covered in a slightly red tint.

"You look... look amazing y/n." Draco said softly as his long fingers interlocked with my own.

"And you look rather handsome." I smirked playfully kissing his lips once again.

"Are you ready?" I asked. He simply nodded and started leading me to the car with Are hands still grasping each other's.


After some time I realized then that Draco must be going somewhere else other than the restaurant. There were trees on either side of us villages here and there and roadsignsc it's as if we were on the highway.

"Dray. Where are we going?" I asked my curiosity getting he better of me.

"You'll see." Was all he said. He placed his hand on my dress covers thigh and rubbed it gently. I placed my hand on top of his and squeezed gently before looking back out the window.


Finally. We had pulled into what looks like an old dirt abandoned parking lot. The trees looked thicker but didn't feel like it. As we got out of the car Draco took took off to my side and open the door for me, he gently took my hand and shut the door behind and started leading me on the way to the wooden pathway through the woods. Although it wasn't dark the sun was still out and there were street Lamps that look like that we're getting ready to turn on once it hit desk you could hear some of the insects that already started to come out.

Once we reach the end of the wooden it opened up into a beautiful crystal clear smooth lake with a beautiful stone bridge going over it no trees covering it just the beautiful orange glow of the sun and the crystal clear river just standing still.

"It's beautiful, Draco."

"I'm glad. I thought I'd bring you here to see it." He said.  I let go of Draco's hand to Go stand by the wall of the beautiful stone bridge to look over the crystal clear water. The chirping of birds and the rustling of what could be only known is probably rabbits were the only things in the background. Allowed wrestling came behind me that caught my attention causing me to turn around quickly my eyes widened and a gas plus my mouth as I almost dropped my bag out of the shock.

"y/n. I've loved you sense I've first met you. I want to spend my entire life with you you're my light you bring me the most joy in the world you bring me happiness, you put a smile on my face you give me a reason to wake up in the morning. I knew from the moment I met you I wanted to marry you and have a family. I'm glad I listened to my gut back then because now I'm here on one knee was a little black box in my hand asking the girl of my dreams one very important question."

He opens the box and inside was a tiny beautiful engagement ring. The diamonds of the ring shined off of the setting sun in He background and the way the water reflected off of Draco's platinum blonde hair was beautiful.

"Y/n y/l, will you do me the honor and make me the happiest man in the world. And marry me?" He asked looking up at me. My hands were covering my mouth, my eyes were tearing up already crying. I nodded my head yes not able to get words out. He stood up took one of my hands and put the beautiful ring on my finger. He wiped the tears off my probably mascara stained cheeks and kissed me. It was one of the most passionate kisses we've ever had. His lips fit perfectly with mine. They were a little cold but felt great against me warm plump ones.

When we pulled away we were a little out of breath, but that didn't stop him from hugging me. He took out his wand and wove it around us. The spell fixing his hair and my make up.

"Are you ready for dinner soon to be Mrs. Malfoy?" He smirked placing his hands on my waist. And placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I am, Mr. Malfoy." I smirked back my hands still resting around his neck. He kissed me one more time before we began walking back to the car hand in hand.

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