Once upon a time

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Word count: 948
Y/f/n = your friends name

I can remember that when I was little my mother used to read me bedtime stories. Every night before bed she'd read me the story about Cinderella. I never had the best life as a kid, so I'd ask her to tell me that story in hope that I one day I would find my prince and have the life I deserved.



"Bye sweetie have a great year! I'll see you on your next break." My father said as he let go of my hand next to the train that would take me to Hogwarts, For the fifth time.

I'm a fifth year, every year sense I started attending Hogwarts my father takes me to the train station. He always told me mother would be proud of who I've become. My Mother died in an accident when I was little. My Father told me that she died in a car crash but, I don't believe that's actually what happened. I'm told not to tell people because I'm a half-blood or "blood-traitor" as people say, And because my dad works with deatheaters. I want nothing to do with them Either. I try my hardest to stay out of his life but I can't help it knowing he hides things.

"Bye dad!" I yelled over the whistling of the train and began to run to the door of the train with my belongings. I quickly placed my things away in the back of the train and quickly made my way down the small hall hoping to find an empty train car.

As I rushed to the end of the hall way I opened the door that lead into the Slytherin part of the train, The place where HufflePuffs like me get pushed around. No one was in the small hallway of the train car so with my head down I began to walk fast, hoping I wouldn't be noticed by anyone, specifically Pansy and her little gang. But, just my luck one of the train cars loudly opens behind me.

"Where are you going little HufflePuff!" Pansy shouted. I started walking faster trying to get out of the way of the Slytherins. As I approached the end of the train car i began to open the next door. It was suddenly shut and I was pushed against it. I looked up to see pansy standing in front of me, smirking.

"I said, where are you going" she hissed.

"Why does it matter to you.." I mumbled

"What was that?!" She raised her voice as she yelled causing me to flinch backwards. As she pushed me against the train car door about to ask again she was suddenly pulled off me. I looked up to see Draco holding Pansy by her robes. But I quickly looked back down again.

"Leave her alone." He said simply.

"Go back to the train car." He said She began to argue with him but he just glared at her and she then began walking back to the car. We stood there in silence for a few minutes.

"Are you okay..?" He finally spoke softly.

"Yes I'm okay.." I mumbled.

"I-I'm sorry.. what was that?" He stuttered, he seemed a little frazzled but it was cute.

I cleared my throat before raising my head to look at home again.

"Yes. I'm okay t-thank you" I stuttered and turned to open the door but his hand was on mine in a flash.

"There's an empty train car back this way." He said taking my hand and leading me to the train car. I began blushing and started following him. We finally made it to the room on the train he opened the door and let me go first, before shutting it behind him. I sat on one side of the room while he sat on the other. We sat there in silence for a little bit, not really knowing what to say to each other. I've liked Draco since first year. Ever since that first day I saw him I fell in love with him. But I never thought he'd talk to me or like me because I'm a Hufflepuff.

"Why are you sitting with me..?" I mumbled but this time making sure it was loud so he could hear me.

"Huh..?" He looked up. "Oh.. well uh.. you see.." he stuttered looking for the right words to say. His face turning red.

"Because I like you.." he said as he looked down at the floor. He looked back up at me to see me blushing and smiled. He moved over to do he was sitting next to me, our legs touching. He grabbed my hand with his and laced our fingers together then leaned over to brush my hair out of my face.

"I know you like me too. I heard you talking with y/f/n." He said softly you looked up at him and smiled. He looked into my eyes with those grey dreamy eyes.

"Will you be my girlfriend..?" He asked as he began to blush.

"Yes" I said smiling. I looked at him and started leaning in and so did he until our lips met in a passionate kiss. Our lips moving together in sink. His tongue poked at my mouth and I opened it granting him permission to explore my mouth with his tongue. My hands went up to his hair pulling and tugging on his blonde locks lightly. We both moaned softly as we made out our feeling for each other finally being released. I think it's safe to say I found my Prince Charming.

A/N: sorry guys I've been gone so long! I've been going through personal stuff. But I'm back now and I hope you enjoy this imagine! Don't be afraid to send a message and request!

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