Chapter Two

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 Picture: Maddie



I missed the school bus again.

I take the morning classes, and my usual way home is through the bus which leaves at exactly twelve o'clock. Unfortunately, the bathroom line was long and of all times, I really needed to pee. Needless to say, the bus left without me.

This seldom happens, but when it does, I call Mom in her office to pick me up and she arrives in about thirty minutes, just like a slow superwoman.  But she can't pick me up today because she has a very very important meeting. Of all times! I couldn't walk home, it's too far and I don't really know where our house is from school, so I was left with no choice but to wait for the afternoon bus which leaves at five o'clock.

What am I supposed to do within the next few hours?

Everyone knows that there are only two fun places in school- the playground and the canteen, and the canteen's only fun when you have money so the playground it is.

It's already 12:30 meaning the afternoon classes have just started, and consquently, no people in the playground. The playground isn't as fun when you're the only one playing, but I have no other choice. The playground is always this messy in the afternoon. Wrappers from junk food, random pieces of test papers, ballpens, coins- it feels ike a jungle in here. You see, this is one of the places where I got my money for the Chocwink bar I bought just recently. I usually gather around three to five pesos every after classes, but today I collected six.

From the slide to the monkey bars to the swing and the treehouse, I became bored. I was here for so long that I knew every inch of this playground.  I checked the huge square digi clock set on top of the principal's office accross the playground. It's still 2:37. Ugh.

I decided to stroll around the school campus.

I walked nonchalantly around the school corridors, not caring whether they have classes or not. Our school only has five floors, so it isn't hard to remember. I was three rooms from a sixth grade room when I heard the teacher shout. I bet he was very very angry. I walked silently towards the room and I overheard the teacher say, "You students should be ashamed of yourselves! Your parents pay big money just for you to study in this prestigious school and what do you do in return?"

I stood right beside the door, making sure that no one sees me. He was still talking, but I couldn't quite understand what he was saying. He looks funny, red and sweating from his preaching. Psh. Teachers. That's what they all say when their angry, trying to make the students feel guilty. As always.

My eyes widened as their heads began to turn in a synchronized manner, now facing me. I froze. Did I say that out loud? I hope the teacher didn't hear that, he doesn't seem to be in a nice mood. I don't like angry teachers, who knows what they can do.

"Who said that?" I heard the teacher ask furiously. A girl with curly hair and thick glasses pointed to me. Stroked with fear, I ran.

I ran as fast as I could, hoping that no one recognized me. Does someone from the sixth grade know me? What if someone does! They might call my parents, or maybe let me clean the entire school, or worse- kick me out from school!

Down the multiple flights of stairs, I fled. My heart was racing as sweat rolled by my back. Down Down Down. I didn't even realize how many stairs I've passed by. Well, I don't care, I just want to get away from here. I was running when I felt something hit my head hard. Bump

The impact made my body fly backward. My butt hit the floor hard, it hurts, but that's the least of my problems.

I saw a girl lying on the ground, crying. Her hair covered her entire face. She lied on her right elbow, which made her look awkward and uncomfortable. Wait- I think she was hurt, very hurt! She seemed to have rolled down the stairs when I hit her.

A crowd was forming, and everyone was giving me these stares capable of killing someone. Oh no! I have caused an accident! I didn't know what to do. I've never done something like this before.

Noise was building up. I think someone was calling for help. I finally had the courage to stand up and approach the girl. "Excuse me," I said. Everyone made way for me, the criminal. I knelt beside her. I hope she's not dead. She was still crying. On her knees were bleeding wounds from the fall, staining the school's floors.

"Are you okay?" I asked as sorry as I could, "I'm very sorry! I didn't see you a while ago. I'm very very sorry please don't die." I felt like such a bad person. All this, just because I had to pee this morning!

"It hurts," she replied. She seemed so weak. I saw the school nurse arrive. "Move away, she needs air." Following the nurse's commands, everyone moved away. She lifted the girl up carefully. Her hair found it's way away from her face, making me see who she is. My heart pumped even faster the moment I recognized who she was.

It was her.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! This was supposed to be the ending for the previous chapter but I didn't have much time so I decided to have it in a different chapter. The next chapter will be longer.

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