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When he was still alive, I felt that a day without Danny is like dying. Now that he's gone forever, every day felt like punishment in hell. My life felt that way for six years.

Painful is an understatement for what I had went through when he died. Oh a young heart could only  bear so much, and so much more when he had to be buried on our anniversary. He died on a car crash, the day he bought his anniversary gifts for me: a fragmented bouquet of chocolate flowers (which tasted really good by the way) and a giftwrapped box.

A lot of people went to his funeral. There was Mom and Dad, my brothers and sisters, Alexa and Liam, half of our highschool batchmates, a lot of his relatives and friends etc. There was only one person missing, and that person was me.

I was actually supposed to go to his funeral. I already took a bath, wore a beautiful black dress and started fixing myself. I was finally to busy to think about anything when in my peripheral vision, I saw his enticingly wrapped gift. I still haven't opened it. Why not open it now? It was our anniversary, anyway. So I did.

It was a ring. A stunning ring with a blue heart-shaped gem. He wasn't gonna ask me to marry him, was he? With the ring came an envelope, with the words "To my future wife," written in fastidious script infront. I held back my tears as I slowly opened the envelope with shaking hands. It was a letter- four pages long.. gosh this could be a novel. Unfolding the letter, the tears managed to escape just by reading the first word. It read:

Hello Maddie.

I specifically told you to open this at home so that one, I could tell you tell you that  "This is NOT an engagement" before any possibility of seeing you freak out in front me and two, I could tell you everything I want to tell you without forgetting anything, and without cue cards. Hehe.

It has occured to me that I haven't really made you an official-long-love-letter, so why not write you one. Haha. I'm not entirely good with letters though, and you know this very well, but I'll try my best. I wrote this while waiting for your chocolate flowers to be done, so I guess this was the perfect moment to write my letter, cause this day has been all about you, despite us not spending any actual time together.

Where to start, where to start.. okay.

Remember that time in fourth grade, when we were still "best friends" and you liked Jared and he liked you too and he said he'd like you forever but then he said the same words to a different girl the day after? How about the time in sixth grade when, was it Mario or Marco or Marlon, I forgot his name, started to court you and said that he'd wait forever if he must, but gave up a month later? And that guy  Christian who promised you that you'd be the only girl in his world aside from his family, but then two timed you and made you the most cynical girl in the world for two whole weeks.

The list goes on- all the people you loved and all the people who loved you. You have heard a lot of promises, and watched a lot of these promises break. So what makes my promises any different? Sure, I'm living up to them til now, but till when?

So I hereby give you a promise ring, as a symbol that I will keep all my promises (not just try to keep, but I will most certainly keep) unless you would tell me otherwise. I will keep my list short, as not to find this too disputable, and it is as follows:

- I promise to devote most my time to you, be there for you whenever you need me or even when you just want me. 

- I promise to never cheat on you, and inform you ahead of time of anything that may cause you suspicion, like that one time I had coffee with Danica to help me with my precalc project. That fight we had was huge. I admit, that wouldn't look pretty if it was you doing that and I am still dreadfully sorry, there was no guy that could help me with precalc, though I on-purposely chose the least attractive yet reliable girl, she's not even my type! Lol.

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