Chapter 13

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Dear diary,
I don't know how I'm still writing because I just died after I clicked the lamp on again every time you click the lamp someone dies I read a book about it . The lamp told me that I'm now the ghost in the lamp and I have to kill someone that the clicker loves every time they turn it on and if your reading this then you probably have the lamp and have turned it on thank you for setting me free.
              Signed by Alana Smith

So this girl is who killed my friends and family I couldn't believe it I started to go insane and I got very hysterical and started crying and screaming and I wondered who would die next because I clicked the lamp on earlier I was scared and sad and I felt so lonely. I was in shock. I kept telling myself that it was my brain playing tricks on me and I kept reading that page over and over again trying to make sense of it all . I was going completely in insane I thought . I must be because this didn't make any sense how could the ghost of someone be in a lamp?! This is so crazy . And sad. And confusing .what was I going to do now. I had to figure out something.

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