Chapter 3

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I check my phone to see a text from Dad. It says, I'll pick you up from school. I reply with, Okay. I put my phone back in my pocket.

I sighed as I headed for my next class. "What are you sighing for?" a voice said. I turned to see Frank walking next to me. I smile at him. "I sigh randomly here and there. I say 'I'm tired' when I'm not tired and I say 'ugh' a lot. I sigh for no good reason," I say. Frank laughs. "What's your next class?" he asks me.

"Uhm...English," I say. He frowns. "Do we have any classes together?" he asks. I shrug. "Gerard is going to English too," he says. "Okay. Cool. I won't be alone," I say, smiling. "Well, of course you're not alone. You're in a classroom filled with kids," Frank says.

"Well, duh. I mean I'm in a classroom with someone I know," I say. "Okay. Well, I'm going this way," Frank says, pointing to his left where there are more halls. "Okay. See you later," I say, waving.

"Bye!" Frank says, then turns and walks away. I continue walking on my own. Then I hear giggling. The same giggling I heard in the halls earlier this morning. I don't turn around. I don't think it's a good idea.

One walks by shoving me into the lockers. I fall down on my hands and knees.

"Freak!" The girl that pushed me shrieks. I turn my head to see them looking at me and giggling. "Ugh," I say. Maybe I should say something... There are only three of them. I can take them.

Then I realize it's not the best idea. Just keep your mouth shut, get up, and keep going, I think to myself. I get up and continue walking, pretending nothing happened. My shoulder really hurts because it his the lockers hard. That'll definitely leave a bruise. I walk up to my next class and go through the door. I keep my head down. "(Y/N)!" someone says. I look up and see Gerard sitting in the back, waving at me with a huge smile. He pats the seat next to him, and I go and sit there.

"Hi," I say. "Hi! How was your first class?" Gerard asks. "Okay," I say. I yawned. "Want coffee?" Gerard asks, holding out a thermos. "I have a lot. I love coffee." I give him a tiny smile. "That's okay," I say. "I already had some. I don't know why I'm so tired." Gerard takes a sip from his thermos. "You can sleep until the class starts," he says.

"I think I will." I put my head down and close my eyes. Then I drift off to sleep.

Bam! I lift my head in surprise to the sound of books dropping on a table. My English teacher is standing at the front of the class. I whisper to Gerard,"What's his name?" Gerard replies, saying,"Mr. Coma. Everyone calls him CC(SORRY IF YOU'RE A BVB FAN IDK WHY I'M USING THE NAMES OF THE MEMBERS OF BVB)."

"Okay. Thanks," I say. "Class is starting," CC says to everyone in the classroom.

//Time Skip because idk what high school is like//

I rub my shoulder and get up from my chair. It hurts. I start walking out of the classroom to my next class. Gerard follows. I pull down my hoodie and look at my shoulder. There is a bruise forming there. I rub it again. "Ow," I mutter to myself. "You okay?" Gerard asks. "I'm fine," I say.

"Did something happen?"

"Not really. Just some girls pushed me into the lockers. I'm fine," I say. "What?! Did you get hurt?" Gerard asks. "Just a small bruise," I reply. Gerard sighs. "You gotta be careful, (Y/N). What did you do after they pushed you?"

"Nothing. I just got up and walked away," I say to Gerard. He thinks for a moment. "Nothing is the best thing to do. It'll just make it worse if you fight back. But I'm still worried," he says. "It's fine. If they do something really bad, oh they'll get what they deserve," I say, making my hand into a fist. Gerard laughs. "Okay. Well I gotta go. See ya," he says. "See ya," I reply.

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