chapter 3

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I make myself a sandwich for lunch and go for a walk to the shops. I need more cigarettes and thought I'd get some drinks to take later.

I see a cafe and decide to get myself a smoothie. It might help cool me down. I sit down on a wall by a fountain to drink it and just watch the world go by. I'm listening to some slipknot on my iPod and don't notice that an extremely good looking man has sat down next to me. I jump when he pokes me in the arm and hands me my lighter, which I must have dropped.

"Oh, thanks" I say smiling.

"It's ok" he says, shyly, smiling back. "What are you listening to?" he asks. I find my mouth has stopped working. His smile. It's beautiful.

"Um, slipknot" I mumble.

"Good choice" he says, smiling again.

I see he has tattoos. Lots of them. I smile at them and he spots the lotus flower I have on my arm. It goes all the way up from the flower on my inside wrist, up my arm with it's stem and leaves to another flower at the top.

"That's really pretty" he says.

"Um, thanks" I reply.

"I haven't seen you around before" he comments.

"I'm house-sitting for family for the summer" I tell him, my ability to speak properly finally coming back.

"Your accent? Are you from the UK?" he asks.

"Yeah. Wales" I answer

"Cool" he says, surprisingly not asking where Wales is.

"I'm Amie" I blurt out.

"Nice to meet you Amie. I'm Tony. Listen, my friends and I are having a barbecue later. Would you like to come along?"

I feel my heart sink. I'd already promised Jaime I'd go to his.

"Aw, I'd love to but I already promised an old friend I'd go to theirs. I'm really sorry" I say, wishing I could magic myself into two places at once.

"That's alright. How about meeting here tomorrow instead for another smoothie."

"You're on" I smile at him.

I cannot believe this beautiful man has appeared in my life. I'm loving summer already!

summertime madness (a pierce the veil story!)Where stories live. Discover now