chapter 12

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The guys are leaving for tour in just a week. It will only be a week without them but what am I supposed to do. We have hung out every day and every night I've spent snuggled up to Tony.

"What's up, buttercup?" says Vic, seeing me look sad one day.

"Nothing" I sigh. I don't want them thinking I'm some clingy nutter.

I try to act less sad when I'm around them so they won't notice. It works to a degree.

Two days before they're due to leave, they get a call off their manager saying they have a small crisis. They're guitar tech has broken his arm and won't be well enough to do the tour.

"Amie, you said you can play guitar. Do you think you're able to do what a guitar tech does?" asks Vic that night.

"It's making sure the guitars are tuned and set out properly isn't it?" I ask back.

"Pretty much. Fancy the job?"

"Really? But what about the house sitting?"

"I'm sure my parents can help with that" says Jaime.

"If you think I can, then I'd love to" I say, grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"What will I need?" I ask.

"Just some clothes, toiletries and a smile" says Tony, hugging me to him.

I squeal with excitement, making them laugh.

The tour bus is picking us all up at the guys house so I spend the night there. As usual I'm first up, so I get the coffees on the go. And breakfast. I run around waking them all up, getting groans off all of them. The bus is due at 9 so if they want feeding they'll have to move their butts!

I'm a bit like a kid on Christmas morning and my enthusiasm soon gets them moving. And the caffeine and food!

"I can't believe you did all this" says Vic when they see the breakfast feast.

"Don't want you starving to death" I laugh. Tony wraps his arms around me and gives me a huge kiss.

'"Too early for that" Mike groans teasingly.

"Never" I shout, dancing around. When they finish, I load up the dishwasher before the bus arrives and skip out front for a quick smoke with Mike.

When the bus arrives, Tony carries my bags out. And he's sneaked my aunts violin in too. They load everything up and we're off. First stop - San Francisco!

The guys want me to pick my bunk first, but I tell them I'll just have whichever one is leftover. I end up with the one above Tony's. I dump my bags and look around the bus. I've never been on a tour bus before and every quirky little thing makes me laugh. We stop to buy food and I somehow end up with the job of chief food buyer. I guess I'm cooking too! Ah well, as long as I don't poison us all I don't mind.

It takes about 12 hours to reach San Francisco. We stop a couple of times so we can stretch our legs and let the driver have a break. Mike and me promptly run for a cigarette every time, with me humming the theme tune from the film the great escape every time.

When we eventually get there, it's pretty late. They're not playing until tomorrow, so we hang out in the bus, playing video games and watching tv. I fall asleep on Tony, so he carries me to his bunk as it's lower than his and climbs in with me. I briefly open my eyes to mumble goodnight and then I'm out for the count.

I'm the first awake again the next day. I climb over Tony and go through to the kitchen area to make myself a coffee. I'm playing on my phone and softly singing got the life by korn. Jaime walks in not long after and I make him coffee too.

"How's things going with Tony?" he asks. I grin at him. I don't think he needs to hear me say anything else. The smile says it all.

"He's a good man, Ames" he says, smiling back at me.

"I'd noticed" I reply. "He just makes me feel happy for once."

Jaime looks at me quizzically.

"I broke up with my ex not that long ago. He was cheating on me" I tell him.

summertime madness (a pierce the veil story!)Where stories live. Discover now