Temper Tantrum

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A/N  no really, this time it's the right chapter... lolz... disclaimer: any names, etc. are completely made up and have no relation to anyone or any business that may or may not exist in real life...

I came in the door and slammed my keys on the counter. Edmund came in from the next room with a concerned look on his face. I avoided his gaze and stomped down the hall to my bedroom after taking off my outer jacket. I had flung it on a chair, despite knowing how much it annoyed Edmund. I heard him sigh and pick up after me as I slammed the door behind me.

I was pissed off. The stupid man they assigned to my department most recently had forgotten to follow up with a very important client and now we might lose them. The client that is, for good! All he had to do was make one stinking phone call, one, and I reminded him three times today to do it. I pulled off my tie and suit, flinging them on the bed while I rummaged around for the casual clothes Edmund had been helping me buy.

My favourite was a soft pair of grey flannels and I pulled them out now. I pulled them on and stroked the material as I considered my phone. I had one option, and that was calling in a favour. I hated doing that. I pulled up John's number and let it ring through. Edmund came in the room and gave me a pointed glare, but I waved him off and pointed to my phone. He saw my worried expression I think and let it go, hanging up my suit for me.

"Hey! Brendan my man. How are you? Haven't heard from you in a while. What are you up to?" John came on the line and I put on my executive face for the moment.

"Hey John, I'm good, I'm good. Busy at work as usual. Found a long term to hang out with, so I know I haven't been out with you guys lately. Need to make it up to you, right? Listen invite Gary from Cagenesis for me will ya? My rookie fucked up so I have to call in a favour. Can you do that for me?" I asked my fellow employee and occasional drinking partner over the phone.

"Yeah, no problem. I'll text you back DTL later okay? Good to hear from you man. Talk later." He was being shouted at from the other end so I kept it short.

"Looking forward to it. See ya." I hung up the phone and sighed. I hated going out for drinks, but I had to do this. I dropped my phone on the side table and flopped on the bed despondently. Edmund came to sit next to me and rubbed my back. I groaned. It felt so good to have him here. I was very glad I had given him a key and asked him to meet me here. Now I didn't have to wait for him to show up each night for my cuddles and dinner.

"Everything alright?" He asked me in that deep, soothing voice of his. I shook my head no. I blinked back the tears of frustration from my eyes as he pulled me in for a hug. I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed. "Do you want to tell me about it?"

"Urgh. I have an idiot new employee and he just fucked things up royally for me. I just needed him to make one stinkin' phone call for me while I was in meetings all day and he didn't! Now I have to go out with John and the boys, drink disgusting alcohol and play nice with their rep in the hopes I can fix this. It's a million-dollar client, Edmund. It could cost me my job." I growled in frustration.

"Shh. It'll be alright. I know you can figure this out. If you can't then so what. You are Brendan freaking Riley. You will be snatched up again in a second. Now just curl up with me for a bit and I will cook you some spaghetti later. Sound good?" He purred into my ear. It sounded heavenly, so I told him so. He was grinning as I curled up in his lap and listened to his breathing for a bit. It was amazingly soothing.

My phone buzzed on the table and I looked over. A text message. I glared at it, not looking forward to what was coming. I picked up the device and unlocked it. Tonight, 10:30, Hazards it read on the screen. I showed Edmund and apologized for cutting our night short today. He kissed me and said it was fine, it wasn't, but I appreciated the thought. I was in a sucky mood all night for Edmund, but he was very patient with me.

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