Prince's New Toys

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A/N sorry, had a little writers block on this... worked on some other stuff and I think it came out alright.

"You seem really wiped today Brendan." Edmund commented from his seat in the armchair. His paper rustled as he turned the pages and I stared listlessly at the boring television program.

"I don't feel like I'm getting enough rest. I'm sleeping better, mostly thanks to you, but I don't feel rested." I complained and leaned over the edge of the couch dramatically. I was pouting, and Edmund regarded me with amusement.

"All you do is come home and watch tv or work out if you aren't doing overtime, so no wonder you are tired all the time. It can't be good for you. Don't you have any hobbies?" He glanced over at me over the paper and raised a brow. I thought about it. I couldn't think of anything I did that wasn't work or exercise. Maybe I did need a hobby. But what? I liked watching movies with Edmund, particularly cartoons.

"Ummm, I don't know. I'm not any good at drawing. I never read anything that isn't work related. I don't think I want to read outside of work too. Would you read to me? You have a nice voice and I wouldn't mind so much if you read it to me." I smiled and tilted my head at him. He rolled his eyes, but agreed.

"Alright, we will go and choose a book at the store tomorrow okay?" He offered. I pouted and flopped back, not even bothering to watch the show on tv now.

"But I'm bored today. What should I do today?" I whined.

"Brendan, quit being a brat. It is late, the stores will close very soon and I'm too tired to go out for a book tonight. Why don't you do the crossword puzzle in that section there." He suggested as he pointed to the paper on the coffee table. I looked over at it, then back at him. He was ignoring me again. I hated when he just acted like I wasn't there if I wanted his attention.

I flopped on the floor, successfully gaining his attention. Then I rolled to the coffee table, reached up and slid the paper onto the floor in a messy heap. I began tossing the papers that weren't the crossword away with a huff. This was stupid. I wanted to talk, or play with him, or cuddle... not do a stupid crossword. I found it and then realised I didn't have a pen. I laid on the floor with the papers under me, the crossword on my head and pouted.

"What are you doing?" Edmund asked sternly. I shrugged, realised he couldn't see me and spoke.

"I don't have a pen." I muttered. He laughed. I heard the tinkle of plastic rolling across the wooden floorboards and looked to my side to see a blue pen. "Thanks." I said despondently. He was still chuckling at me. I was still pouting. I laid on my side, talked out loud as I tried to figure out the clues, and tapped the pen on the floor as annoyingly as possible.

"Are you sure you have never been a little before?" Edmund was standing over me, staring down with a suspicious look in his eyes. I was confused.

"What?" I chewed on the end of his pen until he reached down to take it out of my mouth. He was crouched beside me, watching me as I tried to figure out what he meant. Was this the kinds of things the boy from the coffee shop did? That made me annoyed. I wasn't sure why, but just the thought of Edmund giving his attention to that boy made me want to be even more of a 'brat.' Edmund got up and tapped on my tablet a few times, then gave it to me.

It was a website. It was describing things for your little to do to keep busy. It talked about temper tantrums and attention seeking behaviours. It talked about ways to relax together and separately. It talked about ways to punish your 'Little' if the behaviours got out of hand. I read on with interest. It didn't sound so bad. I had never been spanked before so I didn't know how I felt about that. I was down with trying some of the activities though.

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