The One Test I Hoped I Would Fail

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"Destiny, you have to do this." Elizabeth sat on the rim of the bathtub facing me as I sat on the bathroom counter.

"I don't want to. I rather act like it didn't happen."

"Please be reasonable. You need to do this."

"Technically I don't need to. It's just a matter of whether or not I should. And I honestly don't want to, therefore shouldn't."

"Dest, I told mom I would try to get you to."


"You know why." Elizabeth stated with sympathy in her tone as she crossed her arms with that dreaded material in her hand.

"It happened a month ago. I thought it's time I moved pass this." I lied. I will never get pass it, even if it only happened a month ago. At this point I felt like I was dying. My body looked like it too. My attack took place a month ago and I'm still fighting every little thing every day as I slowly died inside and on the outside. I was in counseling but it didn't seem to be helping me any.

"You may only be sixteen but it still is a possibility. Especially considering that you are late."

"Fine. I'll pee on that stupid test."

"It's not a stupid test. And do you want me to be in here when you do it or do you want me to wait outside?"

"Wait outside. But I know I'm not pregnant, so I don't know why I'm taking a pregnancy test."

"Because we don't have any evidence yet of you not being pregnant." Elizabeth said trying to maintain her patience and understanding with me.

"Fine," I said reaching my hand out to take the pregnancy test from my sister, "But I'm not waiting for the results. You are going to read it and tell me."

"Fine." Elizabeth got up and handed the test to me. She then walked pass me, walked out of the bathroom and closed the bathroom door behind her.

I turned and faced myself in the mirror. Still sitting on the counter I was determined to keep telling myself that I wasn't pregnant. I couldn't be. Besides my doctor said it's also a possibility that my body might not go through my cycle like it normal does because of the trauma that it went through. It wasn't uncommon. I wanted to punch the reflection in the mirror.

Hopping off the counter I went over to the toilet to do as my sister asked, praying all the way. I didn't want to be pregnant and despite all that I knew about sex, I wanted to believe 500% that it wasn't possible for me to be possibly be pregnant.

I took the test and place the lid back on the end of the stick and placed it on the bathroom counter. The box said it would take a few minutes for the results to show up. I called my sister in.

"I swear to God I will die if the results are positive." I said crossing my arms fighting emotions. And currently escalating anxiety.

Elizabeth stood there staring at the test while I stood there staring at my reflection in the mirror.

"The results are in." Elizabeth said in a monotone. I hated it when she did that.


"Destiny, you're..."

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