02.10.2017 - Pet Names

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"Oh~ my sweet pumpkin pie~! My beloved, cutie prince~"

Fei stopped chopping, her knife hung midair as she turned to check the TV. She shrugged her shoulder at the scene and shook her head before going back to works. Right next to her, a pot of clear soup with potato was boiling, right in front of her the rice cooker were steaming. She turned to to check the potato, put the leeks in and took out a block of white tofu. 

"I'll get the marinated chicken done."

the girl replied with an "uh huh," as she lightly cut the tofu. Kaito took a bowl of red-brownish marinated chicken out of the fridge and heated some oil on the pan. He washed his hand, kissed Fei's cheek as he walked past, then go to work. A smile creeped up her face.

"What is my baby girl doing at this hour alone~?"

This time Kaito turned and checked the tv. His chopstick hung mid-air, leaving the chicken sizzling on its own on the pan.

"My baby girl is cooking with me in the kitchen," Kaito leaned to Fei and grinned.

The girl turned to him as fast as her neck allows her to then slapped him lightly on the shoulder.

"Stop it," she hissed, but a smile and a blush creeped up her face anyway.

"You like it though," Kaito flipped the chickens and laughed, "ever since we're dating we never even call each other like that right?"

"Feels weird to me," Fei shrugged her shoulder, "you want to?"

"If you want to." Kaito took a plate and moved the neatly done chickens on it, grilling the next batch. He took a knife and cut them a little, watching the white smoke escaped the now brown sauce coated chicken.

 "Try this," he blew on it and let the girl tasted the food, "does my cupcake likes it?"

She ate the chicken and had to bit her lips to prevent her from laughing and spat everything out. Fei nodded in satisfaction and held her thumbs up, as she kept on giggling non-stop.

"Stop it, you sounds like a pervert. So awkward."

"Right," The boy laughed, "everyone asked me why I only call you names though. They even ask me if I really treats you well, this that."

"Yeah, I get that." Fei stirred the soup a few times after putting all the soft tofu in and turned the gas off, "I don't care though."

"Yeah you're that type," Kaito nodded. He switch place with the girl, lending her a hand to move the pot directly to the dining table, "let me know if you want to though."

"Nah," the girl leant to him as he went back and placed his hand round her waist, "I like it this way." 

"that's great," She gave him a kiss and Kaito pulled her closer to give her another one. The rice cooker dinged, the soup steamed, and the chicken smelt so good. Dinner is ready. 


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will try to keep it up as much as possible. 

I usually avoid writing romance / drabbles as it can get too cliche but I guess it's okay once in a while~

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