15.10.2017 - Teaching Each Other How to do Something

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"Chicken goes great with lemon."
"Also fish."

Akira looked up to see his girlfriend nodding vigorously. He chuckled and closed the oven door before tossing the mitten onto the counter.
"Learnt that while looking up for recipes," he said, "gotta look for a way to keep Akari from getting bored with her lunch."

"Do you think I'll be aa good as you?" Leon scratched her head. This was practically her first time cooking something far from instant and from a scratch together with her boyfriend although in the end it's mostly him cooking and her helping.
"Well yeah?" akira took the cutting board and washed them as he talked, "although I don't mind being the chef at home?"
Leon looked at him sheepishly. She knew what he meant. She knew too that he just loved taking care of people.

"Like, you have me who will gladly cook for you! I'm your boyfriend!" The boy grinned, "so if you want to learn, by all means, I will teach you with all my heart and my soul but even if you don't I'll cook for you with love."
"Thank you." Leon leant in and kissed him on the cheek, "but I want to make you something too so I'll learn."

Akira blushed at the kiss and the kind wish. He scratched his ear and asked sheepishly,
"As... As a payment will you tach me your other language? I.." he stuttered a little, "I want to learn too."


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