08/09.10.2017 sleeping in, hugging

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"Can I crash here for a while?"

WIth the sound of shower running on the background, Leon sat on the edge of her bed, face on her palm, regretting the decision she just made. Akira came to her door a while ago, looking like a lost puppy, with his hair untidy and his clothes dirty. She thought she even saw blood on his hand, for whatever reason it is. He did say he worked as a hitman but she still think he looked too fragile for it. That, and although they had known each other for quite sometimes, and she knew she missed him a lot,  it's not like they're actually dating. To have him staying over in her place is just not right.

He did tell her he can sleep on the floor but she didn't have the heart to. She liked him too much. Despite her fear of getting touched by men again she did fantasised about him at night... too... Why would she left him to sleep on the floor?

The shower noise stopped and so did her contemplations. A minute after a boy emerged from the bathroom, towel on his head. He was wearing her pyjamas, an oversized t-shirt that turn out to be only a size bigger than his size. He was pretty small, unlike how Leon likes her guys to be. Akira grinned at her. His grin was always so silly.

"We can sleep on my bed but no touching."
"I really can sleep on the floor.."
"...okay," the boy was about to climb to the bed when Leon pointed to her hairdryer, telling him to at least dry them before sleep. He did so, and after a long twenty minutes he asked her again if he can lie down now.

"I'll sleep like this!" He rolled and show her his back, "so you don't have to worry!"

Leon looked at him and shrugged her shoulder. She was still wary. Men can't be trusted after all.

They lie down in silence for a while. Leon glanced at the figure next to her. Unmoving. Was he asleep? Heat creeping up her cheek. The boy she liked was sleeping next to her and he really didn't try to touch her even though she's practically defenceless next to him. Who knows when she's asleep, but then he had never tried to touch her ever since the first time they meet.

As she watched the breathing back, she came to realize it was pretty broad.
"Maybe a quick one won't hurt," she thought, "maybe I don't mind if it's him."

With one swift movement the girl scooted closer and placed her forehead on his back and hand on his side. The boy was visibly shocked but remained put.

"Le-- Leon are you okay.." he stammered. The girl nodded against his back before rolled back to her position, satisfied. She grinned a little. She swore for a while there she could feel his heartbeat hammering against his ribs.

Alright now she's ready. Whatever happens, happen, she thought. She started it first, so she believed that if he's to attack her then it's gonna be her fault anyway.

Nothing happened. Nothing. Not even when dawn came and she kept on waiting, eyes peeled open ready to react at anytime. Not even when it's finally sunrise and she was so tired of expecting something to happen while he's asleep next to her.

Akira woke up with a stretch as Leon watched him, eyes drooping and tired. He looked at her and blinked, trying to read the not so energetic face.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked.
"Not even a blink," she gruntled. She saw a flash of shock and disappointment on his face and quickly regretted the cold answer.
"I'm sorry.." he looked so downcast, "I'll quickly leave so you can rest--"
"No, silly," she sighed and finally managed to smile. This was why she was interested in him. He was so polite, "I was too nervous."
"Oh.." he looked at her and smiled, "when my little sister couldn't sleep, she always ask  me to give her a hug."
"Do you want one? Maybe it'll make you feel better."

She didn't replied. Instead she scooted closer and placed her head on his clavicles. He hesitated at first, but finally wrapped his arms around her. Instead of suffocating it somehow felt so safe, so comfortable, so relaxing.

And so it became a very calm morning, even though Leon could swear she had never heard a more nervous heart than the boy's one at that time.

And so it became a very calm morning, even though Leon could swear she had never heard a more nervous heart than the boy's one at that time

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It's 3.20 I'll revise later

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