Chapter Seventeen

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Kellin's show was absolutely amazing. I'm so lucky to have someone so talented and loving. He is so dedicated to his fans and he really knows how to take their breaths away. Up on that stage, i've never seen him so happy.

He wanted to keep me a secret though. Something about the whole dating thing really shakes up the fangirls and he didn't want me to have to go through all of that just yet. I know people have seen me, but they probably just think we're good friends.

When Kellin got off stage me and him went back to the bus alone for a little while the guys were off doing their own things. Once we were completely alone, i wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Mr. Quinn, you are so charming. Your performance blew my mind, you are so out of this world."

"Well, Ms. Jane, i'm just glad i have your company to keep me going." He pulled me into him and kissed me. I pulled away right away which caught him off guard and he just stayed there for a second with his eyes closed and his lips puckered.

"Trev said yes," i smiled. He let out a deep breath and fake smiled, "What's wrong?"

"Huh? Nothing. I'm glad Trevor's coming with us."

"Then what's up with the fake smiles and stuff. Aren't you guys friends?"

"Of course were friends. Me and him are. But you and him, for some reason, seem like a different situation." I looked at him pretending to be confused.

"Look, i don't know what you're trying to get at, but i would never cheat on you. That would be the worst thing i could do to you, i don't believe that's ever the answer. If i wanted to be with Trevor, i wouldn't be with you." He kind of half smiled at me and wrapped his arms around my head, pulling me into his chest, and me wrapping my arms around his lower back.


The way she talked about cheating really got me thinking. If that's how strongly she felt about it, she would hate me if she ever found out.

I'm just happy were across the country from Katelynn, where everything can be normal.

But now Trevor's coming on tour, and even if she isn't cheating on me with him or anything, there's still something between them. Everyone can see it and i don't know how to stop it. I try to do things to win her over, but there's always that extra care in her eyes when she looks at him.

I had been there just hugging her, but i then tilted up her chin to kiss me. I didn't want a slow delicate kiss or anything so i pushed harder, our tongues dancing together in my mouth.

I moved my hands along her sides as she ran her hands through my hair. I picked her up and she straddled me. I pushed her back up against the wall and she tilted her neck up for a breath, allowing me to kiss her neck.

I didn't even know what happened but she stopped me. Why would she stop me?

"Kellin, i don't know if i can.."

"Can what? What's wrong?"

"I've just..never done this before.." I stared at her with wide eyes. A girl as beautiful as Macayla would've lost their virginity most likely towards the beginning of highschool to be honest.

"Wow. I didn't know that." She looked down at the ground, obviously upset, so i took her face in my hands, "Darling, we will make the first time special. I'll get rose pedals and candles and the whole shabang alright?" She smiled kissed me.


After the guys played i saw Kellin and Macayla run off. At first i was upset, but then i realized i'm going to have to get used to it. Justin put his arm around my shoulders and yelled out, "SO WHO'S READY FOR SOME DRINKS?"

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