Chapter 8: the break down

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"You're dad is dead, he was found on the side of the highway with his car in a ditch." the police man said. "What happened, do you know yet how he died?" I asked him. "He was drunk and he got into a car crash." the policeman replied. I stood there thinking what things would be like when I get home. I know my mom hates me, she thinks about me as a mistake, and she has been abusive to me so what's to say that she won't be more abusive now. "Are you ok?" the policeman asked me. "Ya I'm fine." I reply even though it's not.


As I walk back to class I hear the class bell ring. I walk to my previous class to give the teacher a note that the principle wrote to excuse me from my class. As I exit the room I am greeted by Kate and her giggly group of bitches. I think to myself, sometimes I just wish the ground would open up and swallow all the bitches I have to deal with. "So what was that about? Did the police come to arrest you for forcing Louis to date someone as ugly as you?" she said with a sarcastic tone. Then just as I would expect the other girls start giggling. I don't say anything and I just walk away.


School is out. By the time I get to my car I'm in tears. I drive home to see if my mom has gotten the news about my dad yet. I get home and the boys are out and my mom apparently got the news and now has gotten drunk. This is what scares me because she has gotten drunk before and she always beats me when she's drunk. I walk in the house and just as I thought my mom chased me into my room and started slapping and hitting me. In tears, I beg her to stop but she doesn't listen. When she is finally done she left and locked me in my room.


I had to get out of the house and since I still had my keys in my hand I climb out the window and run to my car. I don't know where the hell I'm going but I just drive while crying and I'm not really paying attention.

I wake up in a deserted parking lot and I have no idea where I am the last thing I remember is being beaten by my mom. I hear noises behind my car so I turn around. I find a young man behind me searching for something in my purse. "What are you looking for?" I ask him. "Ok good you're awake. I was just looking for a phone or an ID. I was going to call an ambulance." he replies. "My phone is right here." I tell him as I show him my phone. "I'm Steve by the way." he tells me. "I'm Ali." I reply "Ok good so you know who you are. How do you feel? Do you know where you are?" he asked me. "I have no idea where I am." I tell him. "I'm going to take you to the hospital to get to checked out. Ok?" he says. "Ok, what about my car?" I ask him. "I'll get it towed to your house later." he said. "Ok." I reply as we get in his car.


"Ok there is no sign of a concussion or anything really wrong. What is the last thing you remember?" asked a nurse. "The last thing I remember is getting in my car and driving away. I don't remember where I was going, but I was driving then I woke up in a parking lot." I told her. "Ok well there is nothing really wrong it was probably just a mental breakdown, I think you can go home." she said.

I get out to the waiting room to see Steve waiting for me. "Ok so I'm going to go get your car towed back to your house, what is your address?" He asks me. I give him a piece of paper with my address on it. "Ok, is there someone you want me to call to come pick you up?" He asked. "Um sure you can call my friend Harry." I tell him. I bring my phone out and start dialing Harry's number. "Here it's ringing, I'm not familiar with this town so can you give him the address." I tell Steve.

Phone conversation:

Harry: "Hello?"

Steve: "Hello, I'm Steve I'm calling about Ali Malik."

Harry: "Where is she?"

Steve: "She had a breakdown and she is at the hospital in Woodland waiting to be picked up."

Harry: "Ok good, give me the address and I'll come pick her up."

Steve: "Ok the address is 6070 Woodmere lane, in Woodland 12589."

Harry: "Ok I'm on my way."

*end of phone conversation

"Ok your friend is on his way. I'm going to go back and find your car." Steve said. "Great." I replied.

*1 hour later*

"Hey Ali, how are you." Harry said as he came up and hugged me. "I'm fine the nurse just said I had a mental breakdown." I told him. "Well I'm glad your alright." he said. "Ya I woke up in a parking lot and a nice young man named Steve helped me out. Now he is getting my car towed back to the house since the nurse said not to drive until tomorrow." I explained to him. "Ok well let's get home, your brother is worried about you." he said.

*in the car*

"So what happened? Where are these bruises from?" Harry asked. "Pleases don't tell my mom or my brother or anyone else that I told you this, ok?" I ask him. "Ok I won't, but what happened?" He asked. "At school I was taken by a policeman to the principals office and he told me my dad was drunk and got into a car crash and died. Then when I came home my mom was drunk and she chased me into my room and slapped and kicked me. Then realizing that I had my keys I climbed out my window and drove off. the next thing I know, I wake up in a deserted parking lot with Steve looking for my ID." I explain. "Please don't tell anyone I told you this because if my mom finds out that anyone else knows she will be pissed with me." I ask. "Ok, I promise I won't tell anyone." he told me. "Thanks." I say.

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