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Where does the light take the broken and unharmed? To a land where only people breathe the most fresh and best smelling air? Or maybe to a cloud to rest our heads and finally sleep? The light fights the dark, trying to save us from this burning diction. I just wanna be free and not be forced into this shape I can't become. I'm not the happy girl who leaves behind her worries- I'm the one who carries them everywhere as I go. Where light shines, I hiss and run away. It's burning my feelings and trying to take everything. It only wants to help, but why does it kill the things within? Depression, you're the black of my soul. Turning me into a laughing stock or over all major joke. I know you just want to be loved but no one cares whatsoever. All they wanna do is save themselves even if they aren't too deep. Humans are selfish, sure, but in reality we're all scared. Dictators, rulers, everyone- scared. It's true that we all see dark at times, but where's the light everyday? Is it gone? Are you actually fighting? Please come back..

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