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Everyday before I go out in public, I make sure to grab a mask. This mask is filled with positive emotion, perfect for the afternoon stroll. Tell all my fellow people a greeting and then part once meeting. Everyone sees a wonderful person, a young girl filled with delight. She smiles all day, and helps anyone along the way. Oh a girl of wonders, a girl of joy, they all think of me as a bundle of sunshine and children toys. A long hard day of bottling it up, it's time to go home and think. Cry and drink, die and faint. Options galore but to me there is two. An option of life or death, what a relief that is. Once I awake, the mask returns, still not helping me any. People all smile and people all cheer, the mask brings true positivity to the fear. An outcast could tell you, that this was not true. The mask was a pure acting skill only some could follow through. Some tears seep out, and they can tell even more- I've been a mess since before. Hiding my feelings and anything too harsh. Killing my insides with loneliness, filling it with numbing medicines. What more can I do to save myself? I don't wanna be here, but the options even more clear. I could glue on this mask with super glue, and shut my eyes close. No tears will seep, but the flowers deep within will weep. True happiness won't ever come to a girl wearing a white lie mask.

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