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In the night, I hear some noises. They haunt behind my door and in my walls. They hold my years of courage, breaking it down with chemicals. Once they hear a young girls scream, these things called "fears" feel accomplished and vanish into the night. One night, they whispered little things that could murder one. They begin to scream when I could already hear them, hell, it didn't make me numb. It made me scared and almost die, as my heart was beating faster and faster. My mind exploded with the total of thoughts I feared inside. My heart was going dark, and my vision felt like it was gonna die. Salty waterfalls drip down my face, and I know I can't win this stupid race. It's killing me, and I can't continue to stay. If you wanna make me fear you, just come and end this pain. Throw me away and break me down even more. I'm done with this pain that leaves me in a mindless trance. I hate feeling this panicky way, where sweat and tears roll. I don't know what to do, stay here and play along? Or get some awful help and get better eventually? The choices rank up my anxiety and I'm more intimidated than ever. Save me from these fears I beg. 

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