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I also love to see the lights just like you
I too love to be like you
I too want freedom just like you
I am a human too.

I too want to be the light for the next generation
I too want to ride bikes
I too want to walk in the night without fear
I am a human too.

I might be weak physically
I might be emotional
I might be fleshy than you
But I am a human too .

I am strong mentally
I know the value of love than you can think
I never bow my head to anyone
And that is why The Protector call me a Women.

I am fighter
I am stubborn
I knows the exact feeling of pain
I knows the exact feeling of love.

My hormones might be copious to make me feminine
And that makes me feel to hide
I am not a worm
Nor am I a slut.

I am a human too
I am just like you
Have body and soul
Then how could you treat me with disrespect?

You think i am a brat
You think I am a whore
You think I am a  tissue paper
Which you could use and throw.

Just wanted to remind you that karma is a bitch
It never leaves anyone without piercing regret,
You will feel regret one day
And I am dieing to see it.

Aren't you shameless
For treating me like nothing,
For calling me a slut
Even though i am innocent!

I am a women
And I am proud to be a women
No matter whatever you think
I will never bow my head towards you.

I Am Not A Feminist I Am Just A Teenager (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now