Chapter 10

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The song changed into a slow song and I saw Edward over by the DJ . Stefan pulled me close and put a hand on my waist and twirled me . It was so strange . Like I'd lived this before . Halfway through the song , Stefan pulled away and walked out of the room and I followed . He stopped in a room of the Lockwood house that looked like a museum. I saw Stefan looking at a list of names that I could't see clearly . I walked forward and stood next to Stefan and looked down at the ancient paper . I gasped at what I saw . My name in the log book of the original Founder's Day Party right next to Stefan's name . I almost fell over , but Stefan caught me .
" Let's get you out of here . " Stefan's calm voice rang through my ears , but it was too late , I was about to lose my mind .
Stefan picked me up and carried me through the party at vampire speed. In seconds we were in his car and he was driving full speed through the night . I was in the passenger seat in silence as we pulled into the Salvatore Boarding House .
Stefan was at my door as he helped me out of the car and supported my wieght .
I looked around the dark of the night as Stefan lead me through the house and into the living room .
Stefan helped me sit down on the couch .
I looked around . The artifacts ... they were like from the distant past. What's confusing is that I remembered them .
Stefan disapeared and returned , handing me a drink . I took a sip and made a face .
" Vodka ! Really ? " I asked , putting the drink down .
" It should help ... " Stefan said , sighing .
" Stefan , what's going on ? " I asked .
" It's a long story ... " he said .
" I have time . " I said scooting closer next to him on the couch .
Stefan sighed .
" The year was 1862.... remember that ribbon ? " he asked .
I nodded .
" This is the story of the girl it belonged too . " he said.
Stefan took a sip of his drink and countinued .
" It was Mystic Falls - 1862 ... my brother , Damon was in the war , fighting for the Confederacy and it was just me and my father , but he was mostly away on bussiness and I was mostly alone . One day , I was out for a ride through the town when I saw a strange carriage pulled by 2 black horses .Everyone gathered around in curiosity and I rode over and tied up my horse and gathered with the rest of the town . The doors opened and a maid got out to help out the stranger . We watched as first we saw a white glove and then the edge of a skirt and then a torso and then .... the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen . "
Stefan paused and looked at the floor .
" It's alright , Stefan . " I said encouragingly .
Stefan looked up at me .
" She was so beautiful ... like a dream come alive. She took everyone's breath away. The young woman stepped out of the carriage in a deep green gown with a matching hat accented with a peacock feather and pearls . I looked around to make sure everyone else saw her too and I could tell they did , for thier mouthes were all hanging low . The woman looked at the ground and walked into a store , before walking out , carrying a few books and then got back in her carriage and rode away . That night , when my father came home , I asked about this strange woman and he said he knew nothing . Later that week , I was out for a walk when I saw her walking as well , with her nose in her book , while humming . I hid behind a tree and listened until she paused .
" Who's there ? " asked a melodious voice . I was stunned by a fear that she would grow a hatred for me if she thought I was spying .
" Stefan , Miss . Stefan Salvatore . " I said as I stepped out from my hidding place . The woman wore a curious expression .
" Mr . Salvatore ? " she asked.
I nodded .
" Yes , Miss . " I replied .
She smiled .
" And what , might I inquire , brings you all the way out here , this time of day all alone , Mr. Salvatore ? " She asked .
I cleared my throat.
" Well , you see , Miss , I'm taking a walk because I have nobody to talk too and so when I have nobody to talk to , I like to take walks . " I explained .
I saw something new in her eyes .... hope .
" I understand what it's like to be alone Mr. Salvatore . Believe me , I do . " she said , sighing . "

Stefan paused in the middle of his story .
" What is it ? " I asked .
" It's just .... complicated . " Stefan responded , before picking up his drink again .
He looked at the ground and suddenly I felt rage .
" STEFAN ! TELL ME ! NOW ! " I yelled .
Stefan looked up and I saw sorrow .
" I-I can't . " was all he could mange.
" And WHY the hell NOT ! " I demanded .
And then I realized.
" Y-you loved her . " I said.
And in that instant , I was in his arms and our lips were meeting .

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