Chapter 5

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Dear Diary ,
Yesterday I was suprised when Stefan was at my door . We walked alittle and learned about eachother . It was nice having someone to talk too . He told me about his friend , Lexi . I saw a picture of her . She was beautiful ... I wish I could've met her . Next the strangest thing happened ! I saw a ribbon in Stefan's wallet . A royal blue ribbon . Is it a coincidence that royal blue is my favorite color ? There was half of it missing and it looked old and worn , like he'd taken it EVERYWHERE with him . I know what you're thinking . A stupid ribbon . So what ?
Well , when I picked it up ... I felt something . It's like I remembered it from somewhere . Could it be that this town is the answer ? The missing link ? It'd be great to remember again . Anyways , back to yesterday . Stefan seemed like he was going to have a panic attack when I touched the ribbon . I asked him if it belonged to somone he cared about and he said yes . From what I've heard Katherine say , SHE was his first love . Could there have been another ? This is confusing . And what's with him , Elena , Damon and Katherine ! I see Elena flirting with him ALL the time at school and it makes me wonder if they're dating .
I feel like I understand him . I've met Damon once and all ready I can tell that I understand them better then they understand eachother . I have so many questions .....
Tyler Lockwood asked me to help him set up the Founder's Day Party at his house and being the nice person that I am , agreed . The party is in 2 days and I have no date . I guess I don't really NEED a date do I ? I don't even have a dress and Kat is making me go .... I just wish I'd get my memory back . Anyways .... no you're officially caught up in my complicated life !
Later ,
Sydney Petrova - Pierce .

( There are some HUGE secrets coming up ! Let me know if I should countinue this story  ]

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