Chapter 16

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I drove up the long driveway to the Salvatore Boarding House and Damon was already walking out with a bag and Stefan was scowling in his brother's direction.

They both looked surprised at my car .

" New car ? " Damon asked .

" Edward likes to shop for cars .... " I said .

Damon got in the passenger seat and waved to Stefan , who had his arms crossed , glaring at Damon .

" Bye , Stefan . " I said quietly as I pulled out and hit the gas full speed .

" How are we going to drive across the country in a night ? " Damon asked .

" By breaking every traffic law ever invented . " I said .

Damon chuckled .

We were driving on the highway , when I decided to ask Damon a question .

" Damon , why did you decided to come with me ? " I asked , with my eyes straight ahead .

Damon got serious .

" Because I care about you. " he said .

" Where have I heard that before? " I asked sarcastically .

Damon rolled his eyes .

" I'm not my brother . " he said .

I smiled and turned on the radio .and I sang along with the radio and Damon smiled .

After driving halfway , Damon asked if he could drive and I pulled over on a deserted road .

I got out and got in the passenger seat , as Damon got in the driver's seat .

The next song on the radio was

a slow song and Damon and I looked at each other . It was like the radio read our minds . I was thinking about how Stefan hurt me and it was obvious that Damon was looking at me . We just sat there , frozen , listening to the song for a minute and when it was over , Damon and I looked at each other again .

" I would never treat you like Stefan did . " he said .

" I know . I whispered .

The next minute , Damon was leaning over the seat and kissing me fiercely and pulling me close to him . I kissed back and tangled my hands in his dark hair . We pulled back and just stared at each other .

" Did we just ...... ? " I asked.

" Yeah . " Damon said .

I let out a breath .

" Wanna kiss again ? " Damon asked .

" I thought you'd never ask . " I said .

Damon smirked and pulled closer , kissing me again , only longer this time.

We pulled away the second time in silence and Damon got back on the highway .

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